Had a poly a few days ago and admitted to downloading two textbooks sent to me from a friend via google drive in 2021. Also I mentioned that my professor would occasionally send me articles that were pirated. I have to go back for a second poly in a few weeks, is it worth while trying to clear up with them that I did not ask for the pirated articles and that I am unsure if they were even pirated. Like my professor would just send me stuff to read over email. I passed the question that the pirating was related to but I am concerned I will end up with a denial over it.
It’s for DOD and I am a college student. I am confident I can pass the other questions when I go back (I was very hungry and stressed about a school stuff while taking the poly). I also have some other red flags (study abroad, left job after being written up a bunch in crazy circumstances, and recently got reported to student conduct over using "threatening language to another student)
Usually any “admission” during a poly is bad news, but they do want to give you another shot so that is positive. A few years ago any kind of illegal downloading was bad news, maybe they are less concerned about certain cases these days.
Maybe you saw this older thread which showed up at the bottom of the page:
I legitimately did not think it feel under the scope of the question when I filed out the SF-86.
I did see the other thread but I was more looking for anyone who had experience of admitting things during the poly. They didn’t seem very concerned with it though and definitely took note of it.
I didn’t really understand the severity of it and once I learned about the severity of it in a class I immediately stopped. Unfortunately there’s little I can do when if my professors send me potentially pirated books but it was making me react on the poly so. I am wondering if it’s worth explaining the whole professors uploading wonky readings that might be pirated thing though. I don’t want to them to think I am trying to make excuses…
They wouldn’t have me come back if it was a deal breaker though? Would explaining the mitigating factors during a BI interview (I have yet to have mine) be a better route? I would hate to lose out on this opportunity over something I did a stupid freshman.
“unlikely to occur again in the future” is listed as a mitigating factor for most issues in the AG. Read the AG and prepare a write up explaining the situation. Make sure that it includes, what happened, when it happened, why it happened and why it’s unlikely (not?) going to happen in the future. If you are not a good writer have someone help you organize it.
I’m not sure that I understand what your professor was sending you. Did he copy whole books or articles into email? Did he send you links? Why wouldn’t you have had access to the same thing yourself. In the case of whatever he sent you it seems like he was the one in violation. Accepting the actions of an “authority figure” is often another mitigating factor.
Who would I give this to? The BI during my interview? Or should I say something at my second poly? Sorry for so many questions I just want to make sure that they don’t reject me before I can explain what happened.
He would send them out to the class. Or via email depending upon what it was. You can tell when a book is pirated as it just looks off. To be clear it was like an email attachment, tbh I don’t think it even counts as pirating. I did say that they might have been pirated when I disclosed this. I now realize how stupid this was and that I should have just kept my mouth shut since it’s probably not even pirating. I will consult someone who knows copyright law better and have them help me write up an explanation.