Amateur Porn Star Deny a Security Clearance?

My wife is a cam girl and we have discussed making Amateur porn in the near future. We would ensure our faces are never shown by cutting out scenes and/or wearing masks. I currently already hold a secret security clearance and a new one is coming due pretty soon. I have no intentions of lying and I plan to be 100% honest.
How will this affect my clearance?
Will it get denied because it could look like a possible way of getting blackmailed?
My wife will also be getting a background check for her job will this affect it at all?
Thanks in advance everyone!

That is an interesting question. Making Porn is not illegal. The fact you disclose it seems to mitigate any possibility you could be blackmailed into revealing secret information. I hope you come back and update us on this.


Interesting if this is real . . . The fact that you are going to hide your faces actually leads you to more of a blackmail issue than if you were going to be completely open. It doesn’t matter the tiniest bit that you will have disclosed this to the government. Hiding your faces still shows that you do not want your family, friends or neighbors to know what is going on. A blackmailer could simply threaten to out you in local papers.

How do you plan to address the income from this business? You are going to need to keep records and make certain that all of the proper information is supplied to the IRS. I will also point out that the porn industry is well known to include quite a few “seedy” characters, to have drug and STD issues and to have many performers with mild to serious social/psychological issues. Even if you have a way of performing and earning money without dealing with others, you are going to have PROVE that none of these things are issues. It is not up to the government to prove that they are issues.

In the end, I suspect that you will open yourself up to a lot of issues that could severely hamper your chosen career.


Interesting "reeks of Troll post"2. But I suppose it too can be a legitimate question. Porn is legal and makes tons of money. Like Ed I agree the masks indicate you would not want someone to find out you are doing this. As such there is vulnerability to blackmail. For a TS with Poly you are required to fill out a full financial disclosure every other year. Spouse info is on there as well. Considering how often teachers are revealed and then removed from teaching because they previously posted porn videos…I do not recommend the lifestyle. I recall a beautiful Air Force TI (equivalent of an Army DI) who posed nude fro Playboy. Legal? Yes. But it ended up causing her discharge. the unwritten rules on “conduct unbecoming” come into play. Otherwise if sanctioned keep it legal and easily definable for tax purposes and run it like an absolute business. Keep meticulous records and ensure every dollar is accounted for.



This is indeed a real question and not a troll post.
You may be surprised how well it actually pays. I will complete a form 1040 or possibly a 1099-MISC, I will have to see what a tax advisor would recommend. Thanks for your concern about STDs, my wife and I will not be having sex with another person(s) its strictly between just the two of us.
Also I want to thank for answering!

amberbunny, Its no troll post, its a real and serious question and I thank you for answering it.
I only need a secret clearance for my job, but I will still have to reveal my finances for Secret anyways. Interesting about the TI who got discharged, I was not aware of this story. I would certainly keep it legal and file my taxes. It sounds like this could be career ending even though it is completely legal.

No . . . actually I wouldn’t be surprised to know how well it pays and I wasn’t warning you about the risks of STDs about the types of people you may end up associating with (not having sex with) in the industry. But, your investigator and adjudicator may have concerns in that area because others doing what you do often do have sex with others.

I really expect this to be a problem. You might get away with reporting it as an “entertainment” business on your SF86 but if an investigator asks, you’re going to have to tell some form of the truth.

There was a post somewhere and they didn’t disclose their wife did that and they were denied. Pretty sure they would have been denied either way.

I know personally of couples with security clearances who have led less than stellar moral lives by conducting swinger lifestyles. The concern I would have is the potential for blackmail if someone finds out you have a security clearance. Frankly I would not adjudicate you favorably if it was up to me.

Of course, in the case of teachers, their misconduct related to the fact that they were initiating the sexting with their minor student charges.

Someone can follow up but there is a website with previous case deniles since the 90s.

One particular case had a couple in which the wife was an amateur porn star. She did not need a clearance, only the husband. The wife retired from that career years ago but opened up being honest about it. Unfortunately even though this was years ago and theyve moved on and both have a house, stable income and children this affected the husbands clearance as they were at risk of becoming blackmailed.

Dont even bother with a clearance while doing this. Sure its great for honesty points during the clearance process but it does not clear up the fact you can get blackmailed.

it also shows that there could be sexual exploitation for the two of you…

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No I refer to just old fashioned porn from current teachers. I think the two can be separated but young boys will find those videos and introduce to the classroom…disrupt etc. A swinger life if out in the open has been accepted in the past for clearances. Key being in the open. Essentially one is just having a lot of sex with various partners.
If money changes hands it is different. For the original poster, google the Air Force TI Playboy…it will come up. Stunning young lady, excellent field instructor in combat arms actually…but highly disruptive in a professional environment where folks want her to autograph nude magazines and the like. I caution you that though youth feels like it lasts forever…it really does feel that way…it doesn’t. The young lady in question seemed on the cusp of breaking out and making tons of money. Once the overall novelty wore off…she was quickly relegated to just another a woman taking her clothes off, and was but a bit player in the Playboy machine that has lost much steam over the past few decades. The money dried up…now what? I suppose she can always claim her memories…but she cannot claim any work with a clearance.

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Which website are you referencing? Is that the one which provides details on DOE clearance cases?

The Air Force then took administrative action against Manhart. She received a letter of reprimand for violating the uniform regulation and discrediting the armed forces. The Air Force also administratively demoted Manhart from staff sergeant to senior airman. In February, she was voluntarily discharged from the Air Force.
She never lost her clearance. She was never discharged against her will.

Yes thats the one. I forgot what the link is. And to correct my post I think it was a 2013-2017 case I read couple years back. Not really sure but its definitely in there.

What is a “voluntary discharge”? Similar to resignation?

Basically. Though she may not have had a negative Clearance action I maintain her career path will make her damaged goods. Just like any teacher starting in Porn. Even years later…you can’t put the clothes back on. No matter how good you were in the actual work environment…it isn’t a good choice. I know many who worked with her directly and she was a stellar instructor…a phenomenal TI. All gone. So was it a clearance loss? No. Did it change her future and present forever in a negative manner? Yes.

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