Are You Experiencing Security Clearance Processing Delays?

I submitted my SF86 for a Secret about 4 months back and was informed today that my interim Secret had been granted. I have lived at the same address for about 16 years, good credit, no arrests, previously held a Secret clearance that lapsed. My starting date at the new position is dependent upon a full Secret.

Question: Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to get the Secret after getting an Interim? I realize that the answer will be a guess at best, but I imagine your guess is better than mine.


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Impossible to say but we have seen some Secret clearances complete in about six months recently… this was after seeing timelines go over 12 months…

It is all a bit of a roll of the dice as far as timelines go.

Congrats to you as well! I will agree with you on what you have mentioned, but it’s kind of hard at times. It’s the unknown that drives people insane. If only there was a status update on where everyone stands, it would be much easier on the applicant. And waiting many years to start a job is hard for someone that wants to start work immediately.

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I’m coming up on a year for a secret and haven’t heard a peep out of anyone. Congrats on getting the interim.

This is so distressing. I just was hired by a defense contractor in a writing capacity and am eligible for a Secret clearance. Ive struggled for years to get a job in this field but not having a clearance has made it so difficult. It has put me in a pool where there is much more competition in the job market (DC area). So, now I have a good job and I read this article I am a senior professional so I am wondering since I have some 30 years of work experience and have been involved civically if I would have to wait longer than 288 days, as this chart notes. A younger person here got a clearance in six months but again, this person is probably only 30 total. So, what advice can folks give me?

I interviewed for a IC position in February 2015 and accepted my CoE/ submitted paper SF-86 in March of 2015. I had my psych/poly’s done that July. March of 2016 I met with my investigator. I believe the investigation finished at the end of last year. February of 17 my spouse was interviewed. Been told by my PO since April, I believe, that I am in final adjudication.

I’m at just about a year into a Secret investigation, and, having heard nothing, am thinking about sending a letter to someone at my Representative/Senator’s office. I’m not expecting miracles–more than anything I think it’ll just give me a sense of having done something–but thought I’d see if anyone had any advice about doing it, or if they thought the risk of annoying someone would outweigh any potential benefits.

Also wondering if anyone had any advice on which Member of Congress to contact–none of my three Representatives are on the armed services committee (I’m applying to DoD) but both Senators are on the Intelligence committee. Or would it be better to go through my Representative’s office, which, since I’m from CA, has to deal with far fewer constituents? Any and all thoughts welcome.

How long did the process take for you?

imadaygo – that is crazy. 2 and 1/2 years since your interview and submitting the SF86. Around 2 years since your psych/poly. And their still not done???

I thought all adjudication was final so “final adjudication” is strange

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I got an inquiry from an adjudicator and sent in the requested info. Checked back a few days later to make sure there was nothing else needed, the guy told me he was done with his part.

Then I found from my security officer at work it went to “Level 2” adjudication! But at least that was quick for me, just a couple days. The security officer said there is also Level 3!!!

“Final” is what my PO told me when I asked what status my file was in. I
don’t know if there are stages or if it all goes together.

I am a DoD contractor
June 2015 - DoD Interim Secret Granted
October 2015 - SSBI Opened (Interim Secret was upgraded)
August 2017 - Still have an Interim Secret (not full) and heard NOTHING from anyone concerning my SSBI that is still open…and as far as I know no credit pulls and no interviews yet. This October it will be two years of it being open…I am getting so impatient now.

Anyone have a TS open since 2015? Any suggestions/ comments?

I’m not sure as this is my first time going through anything like this. The people I ask for updates just told me it was a final adjudication. Who knows lol

My EQuip was submitted mid August 2016. Interim granted mid-November 2016. Still no full secret clearance. I called about a month ago and was told it was “in progress.” To my knowledge no one has received an inquiry so I don’t know that that really means. I am wondering if I should contact my senator? Any thoughts.


Are you working? If so I would not worry about it too much unless that it has a chance to put you out of work. At this rate, I would love to sit on an interim for however long just as long as I can work. Hold off on the senator contact, save that card for when you need your clearance done in order to stay employed or something along those lines.

Congrats on Interim those are hard to come by!

Dear Tena:

Also waiting for a secret; I just sent in a letter to one of my Senators yesterday. FWIW I submitted my equip on 9/9/16 and have seen no signs that anything productive has been done since early November when some of my employers were contacted, so unfortunately your wait isn’t unique. I suspect that we’re both simply waiting our turn in the world’s slowest line (well, second slowest after the people going for TS) and that contacting your Senator/Congressman won’t accomplish anything beyond an exchange of form letters, but I figure there’s probably no harm trying, and if nothing else it gave me the fleeting sense of DOING something. If something miraculous does happen with mine I’ll let you know. Best wishes-- Adam

I work for a defense contractor

Early May 2016: SF86 submitted
September 2016: Interim Secret

And nothing else yet. No interview, no nothing. I hate my uncleared job so it has been a loooong wait. I honestly don’t know when to turn around, say “**** it” and ditch govt contracting, on the other hand these clearances are so hard to get these days it has to come at a premium at some companies (it doesn’t at my current one).

My eqip was submitted in April of 2015. Interim Secret granted in July 2015, and investigation closed in October of 2015. Haven’t heard anything since. I recently requested a copy of the investigation and have received it.

Hi Adam, A letter to my congressman got results immediately.the congressmans office stayed in touch with me. The OPM started my BI, I was even able to complete my interview abroad. My BI file was closed(took 5 months, case was a bit complicated) and submitted for adjudication where it sits now since Jan 2017. the congressman or OPM is unable to correspond with the adjudication office.

I originally submitted SF86 in June 2015, then again in August 2015 after the breach. I just got my secret clearance two weeks ago. Seeing as yours is for Top secret, I don’t find that unusual since it is a longer process. Hopefully it will be soon… I’ve seen a few guys waiting two years get their clearance this month.

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