After you received the SOR, and you were able to mitigate it? Then you were granted clearance? If that is the case, how long was it in between the SOR, answering the SOR, receiving response/acceptance and getting your clearance?
2017BI – I wanted to jump in here since my case and Edfarmers case was pretty similar. I received an SOR for multiple financial accounts that were in collections and past due, totaling over 20k. I answered the SOR and requested a decision based on the written record, like Ed did. I was able to show that I have payment plans setup for each debt listed, and I admitted to each debt. About two weeks after my response I was contacted by an adjudicator with DOHA. She asked for a few more statements regarding these debts. Once I gave her what she asked for, my clearance was granted two weeks later. So about a month after submitting my SOR response, I was granted a clearance. This was for a DOD secret. The key is being able to fully explain/mitigate each point labeled in the SOR. If you feel you cannot thoroughly and adequately explain each point on your own, then you may want to request a hearing and/or hire an attorney.
Thank you! Not even sure if its an SOR yet. All I have been told is that OPM is sending me a certified letter regarding my background investigation, so I am preparing for the worst, which I believe would be an SOR/LOI.
Yes that sounds like an SOR. When they need to send you “certified Mail” that is probably what it is. Start gathering any paperwork regarding Finances or whatever you feel this will be about. Once you receive it, you will have a limited time to send your response.
I just hope I can have the same results! Thanks for the personal story. Your story does give me hope!
Other people I hear from that got jobs with the agency I have a COE with are waiting 5+ months to get an EOD, sometimes more. If I get my clearance from one organization will it transfer relatively quickly if I decide to take a job with another, or will it have to go through all over again?
How did you find out it was granted? Did they contact you
krazyk784 . . . If we can figure out a way to get in touch directly, I would be happy to share what I have learned and how I put my response together.
This is NOT an offer of legal advice or any such thing . . . Any help that I can provide may only be worth exactly how much you pay for it!
One time I posted a response and the automated reply said something like you have replied to this same person several times, do you want to send a private message?
But I can’t figure out how to do that without being prompted.
Not even! I started a new job and I just asked the on-site FSO to check. She just said it finished. Original sponsor has still never replied to me in regards to being cleared.
If the moderators allow us too, I could put down a made up email account so I can communicate off of this blog. Or is that against the rules?
I don’t know if it would be smart to post your email. It seems this site should have a Private Message or Instant Message option.
I agree. This is why I would come up with some fake gmail account.
Listing emails or other personal information on the forum is discouraged due to it being considered personally identifiable information available for public view.
Submitted for TS/SCI in April, has active Secret prior for 9 years. Interim TS by June, but still waiting on the NACLC to complete to submit for interim SCI. DoD…
Some day. Contacted my senators office, we will see if that helps.
Applied for an initial TS clearance back in August.
8/10 submitted Sf86
12/18 got contacted by NBIB investigator who said she’ll schedule an interview in my town instead of making me drive to D.C. during the holidays.
Let’s hope it all well.
Marko . . . I agree and understand about emails . . . But, we CAN we do if we want to move a conversation off line? I mean . . . As for personally identifiable information, my real name is right above this post . . .
Does this forum software support IM or a remailer?
I thought I could chime in here…
I was previously granted a clearance, but there was an unresolved incident report although it is within scope. So, I am going through another investigation from a different agency that offered me a position.
3/2017 submitted SF86
8/2017 initially contacted by an investigator for Personal Subject Interview (PSI)
9/2017 contacted by 2nd investigator for PSI
10/2017 contacted by 3rd investigator for PSI
11/2017 interviewed by 3rd investigator for PSI (the week of Thanksgiving)
One of the reasons why my case was transferred to different investigator was because I am Deaf and I needed an interpreter to facilitate the interview.
I feel like the clearance process has been significantly delayed largely due to fact that I am Deaf. Majority of my references are Deaf, and they too were initially contacted but they have not heard back since they requested an interpreter… this is frustrating.
Have anyone has this experience?
I have no experience with deaf candidates to share but I will tell you that I did NOT need an interpreter and my BI was moved from one office to another and it was six months from the submission of my SF86 until I was contacted by the investigator who performed my BI. You were at eight months before you were interviewed but I think that is well within the norm.
However, I would contact my congressman and senators and tell them that you SUSPECT that you have been delayed because of a disability. My guess is that you will end up flying through the remainder of the process.
You are probably right… my initial clearance process was relatively quick… the requesting agency did its background investigation in house so, it took care of everything from get go. I was delayed for a week or so.
The same couldnt be said with NBIB as the process was cumbersome. It came down to who will pay for the interpreters. The investigator company said “not me.” NBIB said"not me." OPM said “not me.” The requesting agency eventually caved in. During that process, there was a lot of “you should check with X… no, check with Y… no check with Z… you know what, check with X again”.
Eventually, I was willing to pay for it and I had the interview scheduled 31 OCT 2017 only to be rebuffed at the 11th hour by the requesting agency for some unknown reason. I think the third investigator was insistent and persistent, which was why the interview happened.
Nonetheless, I am thinking about asking my congressional representative to look into this… .as I wonder how many Deaf applicants/references are being affected by this… So, I wonder if there are mechanism in place or such as it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Anyway, thanks for the advice.