Are You Experiencing Security Clearance Processing Delays?

Anyone experience a delay in transferring an investigation from one agency to another? I’ve been waiting since this past july and apparently they still havent received any paperwork

Are you going for your secret or your top secret clearance?

going for my top secret

Good News Everybody . . .

I interviewed for a position in June 2016, SF86 went in July 1, 2016. Clearance from granted 12/4/2017 and I now have a start date for this position . . . Tuesday, January 9, 2018!

To quote my high school year book . . . What a long strange trip it’s been . . .


That is good news! Glad to hear you finally got a start date. Good luck to you Ed.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! a long journey, wasn’t it? Anyway, it is over!

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Haven’t transferred yet, as my investigation is still in adjudication, but I have been thinking about calling company A and letting them know to transfer ownership to company B. I’m not sure if this would be a smart move or not as it might hinder the time to full clearance. I think you may have just answered my question though; just wait until the clearance goes through and then transfer. Sorry about your wait time, it sucks, I know.

I’m going for my initial TS

Company A doesn’t transfer ownership to Company B. Company B takes ownership. It didn’t slow my investigation down when this happened to me.

If your investigation is in adjudication, just leave it there because each agency has different adjudicative “criteria”. For instance, drug use with DEA is an automatic disqualifier, but it can be mitigated with other agency.

Instead, Company B should be able to get a copy of the background investigation and make its own adjudication based on that background investigation (if it is in scope). I think @amberbunny or @Marko will probably be better person to answer that.

Just this AM I received a clearance on a prospective employee in the system since April 2016. It can and does take a long time. A decent FSO will check on clearances at about 6 months for Secret, 12 for TS. But seeing wait times of 24 months does happen. If you are on the outside looking in and only deal with a lower level HR clerk…it is frustrating. I do not recommend making a pest of yourself. But it is good to develop helpful relationships along the way and an effort to best understand certain “gates,” where it is logical to call and inquire. That is the part more an art than a science. Push too hard, get the info you seek, but find the door closed next time. If there is a specific situation you know to be of concern…trying to shop your self around to avoid it will usually get caught. Not saying that is the case but it pops up here on the forum on occasion.

Holy cow! Looking at your timetable you are going a lot faster than most people. I know you may think 5 months is a long time but I am at 301 days and some people I know have been waiting close to 600 days. I wish I was you! Congrats and hope they will adjudicate soon.

Maybe it’s cause I’m still a recent grad and there’s not much to deal with? The meeting was mostly to go over the sf86. Does a TS investigation also require more meetings of other stuff normally?

It is not unusual for an investigator to want to have a follow-up meeting to go over other things that may have come up, and it is not necessarily a sign of anything bad.

But if they get everything they need at the first meeting, and nothing comes up which requires clarification, you may never hear from an investigator again. As a recent grad without too much history maybe everything was covered at the first meeting.

Are you also getting an SCI? If you are you will probably get a polygraph. My problem with a polygraph is I am highly ticklish.

Yeah you should just wait until it comes through from what im experiencing but if theyre within the same type of agency circle (forgot the word) then it shouldn’t matter.

Don’t worry, not all agencies are using the giant turkey feather. At least not yet.

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Luckily I don’t think so. I’m afraid of doing a polygraph. Id get so nervous I’d accidently screw up and say something wrong.

It’s no fun and I don’t think anyone has ever said “Hey let’s do that again!” after it was over, but in the majority of cases, the anxiety and dread leading up to the event is worse than the experience itself.

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Got bad news but it doesn’t make sense to me so I thought I’d ask here. Note this is for a TS clearance.

November 2017 - CJO received

November 2017 - Security and HR forms submitted

December 2017 - I received a no_reply email that my security forms were forwarded from my recruiter to the security office for processing and next step is to schedule an interview and I’ll get an email asking about my availability. Two days later I received an email asking for additional information that was missing on my forms and that they will continue processing.

Two weeks later (a few days ago) I received a no_reply email from the Office of Recruitment that they are unable to give further consideration to my application.

Few things off the top of my head.

  1. It seems that the HR adjudication happened already since the security team was processing my SF86. So I’m not sure it’s a suitability denial.

  2. There’s nothing that’s a major red flag on my papers. I’ve never done drugs, I’ve lived in one location, born in the US, and I’m young so there isn’t a lot of history. The only “issue” is I have a dual citizenship with one of the “bad” countries but it wasn’t by choice, it is by default due to birth to a father that is a citizen of that country. I’ve commented that I’m willing to give up my citizenship, passport, and the last time I traveled there was when I was 9 years old. I don’t have any contact with uncles and aunts there. And my siblings and parents are either current or retired public sector employees in the US.

Any idea what this is? I don’t know how it’s a suitability denial and I can’t imagine a clearance denial so fast and without an interview. My only hope is that this is an automated email due to a denial of an interim clearance, but I hope it doesn’t mean this is the end of the road. I’ve reached out to my recruiter and I’ll give the applicant hotline a call if I don’t hear from the recruiter.