Clearance denied for Theft Of Services (Towing) 30 years ago?

30 years ago I paid a $50 fine for theft of services over a dispute with a towing company. I was and have worked for a Government Shipyard for almost 20 years (Leaving in 2000 to start a business) I reapplied and my clearance was denied for this Class E misdemeanor, They are asking me to get it expunged but Maine does not offer that, the only way to remove it is to ask the Governor to basically forgive it.
No Other arrests, No Divorce, same house for 20 years, credit score of 815,
Is there any guidelines that the investigators use, that would allow for minor infractions to be ok’d.

I’m on this earth for 58 years and my only issue in any court is a dispute with a towing company 30 years ago and I can’t get a clearance? Anybody else think this is odd

You will need to provide more specific information in order for anyone to provided advice: Who is they? Did you undergo an investigation? If so and you were denied, were you issued a letter explaining why? etc…

Denied a clearance for a old misdemeanor seems harsh. We really need the rest of the story.

Having the record expunged would not change the adjudication.

In the absence of any additional information from the OP I’d have to guess that this directive came from the employer based on their pre-screen.

It would have to be an employer prescreen process. If every minor traffic misdemeanor from ten or more years ago - few would get a clearance.

Also, the current credit score has nothing to do with the background investigation process. Tax liens, bankruptcy, delinquent and collection accounts in the last seven years are looked at closely. .