Denied clearance for 1st offer with IC agency. Got email to schedule poly and psych sessions for 2nd offer with separate IC agency. Should I even bother?

Hey everyone. I got contacted today to schedule separate appointments for both a psych and poly this morning. I had two offers with two separate IC agencies earlier this year, and I have already gone through the investigative process (including poly) the first agency.

Unfortunately, I was given a flat out clearance denial last May for drug use, foreign influence, and personal conduct under SEAD 4 guidelines. I underestimated the amount of times I smoked marijuana during my time of using it from 2016 to 2022. I also mentioned during the poly a couple of people I thought might not be US citizens but I knew have lived in the US their entire lives (later found out they WERE US citizens.) As for mitigations for everything, I am simply allowing time to play its role as well as not surrounding myself with potential foreign contacts or people who smoke marijuana. Nothing else I can really do at the moment, regardless of the dozens of people the investigators interviewed regarding my abstinence with any sort of illicit drug. I will not go into detail about it here since I have already made some posts about it when it happened. You can read the posts listed for more specific details:

My question is, should I even bother at all going through the whole polygraph process at all? It is most likely EXTREMELY likely I will be denied because of the clearance denial. It doesn’t seem like its really worth going through the hassle of flying in just to be immediately booted because of a clearance denial that isn’t even a year old. I also haven’t had an opportunity to update my SF86 with the clearance denial because I submitted it in the middle of the investigation for my 2nd offer. AFAIK, I can’t submit a proper update to include this important info until I have my interview with an investigator (if it even gets to that point at all).

Any suggestions? Is it best to rescind my offer?

I think you have to wait the full year.

It probably can’t hurt to try (unless you have some more serious legal issues in your background that they haven’t found yet).

That said, if the 2nd offer is from a 3 letter agency that rhymes with “See My Way,” and the denied one was not, then maybe don’t bother.

This is for any clearance if I am not mistaken, correct?

No legal issues whatsoever. No criminal history nor any sort of illegal activity. This part doesn’t concern me whatsoever.

It’s the other way around for me.