How long does it take for an IC agency to send SOR?

Hello everyone. A bit over a month ago, I received a notice on my online portal that I was no longer in consideration for a position at the CIA. I made a post here not long after describing my situation and since then I’ve been checking my mail and have received nothing whatsoever.

I filed a Privacy Act request to get information about my investigation, but the letter said this:
“A search of our system indicates we have no investigative records under your name or identifying information. If DCSA, or its predecessors conducted an investigation on you, it is likely beyond our retention period and has been destroyed. Therefore, there is no information available for release.”

Is it normal to wait long periods of time to receive an SOR in the mail? I should also note I accepted a CJO with another IC agency that I interviewed with as far back as late February and got the offer late into April, so I have good reason to believe I won’t stand much of a chance with that agency if they share information with each other. I don’t know for certain if I received a clearance denial or a suitability denial. Based on my last post, it seems like a clearance denial, which means I would have to contact the agency to update my SF86.

Anyone else been in a similar situation? Am I completely screwed from getting any sort of clearance at all?

I don’t think DCSA does background investigations for CIA, particularly for direct hire staff.

Did you get some kind of conditional job offer from CIA? Could be the position was filled…

Did you have a clearance before? If not, and you never started this position, then you don’t have a clearance.

Never had a clearance. My main concern is if this results in me not being able to receive a clearance for other positions or lower level clearances (like Secret).

Ah that probably explains why there was no record with the DSCA. I did, went through the whole process (poly, meeting with investigator, etc). I was never told about my poly results. The message that appeared in my job portal sounded like a clearance denial but I could be wrong. You can check out my last post if you need to read it.