Discouraged... Is a 5th Polygraph Worth It?

Hi. I’ve had four unsuccessful polygraphs for a 3 letter agency. I’ve been honest on each polygraph, but have only cleared the forms and drug questions. The funny thing is that people who know me would tell you that I’m one of the most rule abiding/risk adverse people they’ve ever met, and it’s almost comical I can’t get through some of these questions. I’m a naturally a fidgety and anxious person and also an over thinker, which I don’t think is helping. I’ve gone in there and literally told them everything I’ve ever done wrong in life (even dumb stuff that falls outside of the scope of the question), and yet I can’t seem to pass.

I just got invited to schedule a fifth polygraph in October. I’m in a difficult position because I just finished school, turned down other opportunities, and moved to the area for this job. This process has been a huge strain financially since I was supposed to start a month ago, and now I am in a new city with no income. Even if this goes well (which I don’t know that it will given I’ve been unsuccessful four times), waiting for another few months is putting me in a terrible financial position.

I am curious if anyone has ever done well on a polygraph after not being successful over three times? I really wanted this job, but this process has been terrible for me financially and also put me in a difficult spot in my field because of the nature of the recruiting cycle. Any advice would be appreciated

5!??? Damn, i mean i would keep showing up if they let me. But I wouldn’t be putting all my eggs in that basket. You are gonna need a different job in the interim anyways, more than likely.

Moving before you even have the job is certainly a choice. So I would take the poly again and keep looking for other options.

Unfortunately you can’t bank on this working out. Not to say you won’t get it (as RandomMan said, I would be taking the poly as many times as they’d let me), but just as a general rule of thumb. I took my polygraph just over a month ago at this point and I probably still have a few months in the process until I’m given the final offer. I’ve been in the pipeline for 9-10 months now and working for 4 of those months.

I would assume this agency is in Maryland. If so, I know a guy who passed on his 5th (maybe 6th) attempt.

That’s really good to hear…

Gotcha… I said this in another comment but most of the other jobs I’m interested in require a two to three year commitment… Basically if I accept something else I would have to pull out of this process

Fair… I really had no idea that the process was like this and was told I’d be starting in August which is why I moved out here. Part of my issue is that my field generally requires a two or three year commitment for entry level jobs and so by taking another job I’d be pulling out of this process

Commitment as in you have to pay money back or what happens if you break that commitment? Sounds like you are in a tough spot. I would still pursue this to see it through if you are really wanting the job.