DoD CAF Unveils New Website

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The DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility (CAF) unveiled a brand new website in May that is surprisingly forthcoming in providing information about adjudications, appeals, security clearance announcements/news, and even DoD CAF job openings. This is quite a refreshing change to what in the past has always seemed to be a shadow organization in the security clearance…

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All, it appears that the DOD CAF has finished with whatever they were doing with their website and finally have it back up and running. I noticed that they have added HSPD-12 and Suitability information to it as well. Go here to check it out:

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Good Stuff! Thanks for posting

I notice they use the phrase “Non-Intelligence Agency personnel” to describe their customer base. Is that defined anywhere? I mean, it is pretty clear that NSA, NGA, and DIA, as DoD-level intel agencies, would be included here. But what about service-level intel organizations?

Answering my own question… found this on the new DoDCAF website:

Due to the unique nature of their missions, it was decided not to consolidate the intelligence activities (NSA, DIA, and NGA).

So that identifies the intelligence agencies… how about NRO? There’s been some news about problems with their polygraph program, so I wonder if they do their own adjudications?

From what I have seen, the CIA conducts the background investigations for the NRO and the NRO adjudicates them.