DOD JPASS Database

I was in Scattered Castles and waiting to be entered in the DOD JPASS Database. I’ve been told it may take up to 2 months or longer. Does anyone know what the average time it takes to be entered in the JPASS Database. I’m already past 2 months and soon to be 3 months.

Yes . . . most likely. If you were just flagged for conduct and haven’t resolved the issues in your SOR you are not going to be clearable.

What are you doing about the SOR?

If I were you I would either look for a clearance attorney or find employment in a different sector that doesnt involve a clearance.

You are 32 years old and if working for the private sector is not an option then you must clear your name before you can apply again to jobs that required a security clearance. Work with your lawyer and document and provide your rebuttal to the incident flagged on JPASS. Try to get a hearing and explain your case. Search in this forum and on the Web about SOR response, clearance hearings, and clearance lawyers reviews, etc. Any lawyer will take your case but is he/she expert in the field or competent? Read their reviews. it going to cost you some $$.

Yes indeed, it’s hurtful when one person can destroy the job prospects of another with a comment on JPASS. But in the security clearance job environment the main goal is to give access to trustworthy individuals that will protect and prevent the information/project they are working on from causing grave harm to US national security.

Mr. Smith . . . I’m not sure why you felt the need to call me out four or five times in one post. I’m not responsible for your predicament and I’m not sure, from reading your posts, that you understand what is going on.

First . . . You lied when you filed false time sheets. Did you get bad advice about that as well? Then you lied when you next applied for a job and didn’t reveal the fact that you were fired. Both of these are serious issues and clearly require anyone involved in security to call your trustworthiness into question. I’m not going either way on that question. It’s not my job. But, if you don’t recognize the problem AND that you put yourself in this position you aren’t going to get anywhere. Own up to the mistakes because you aren’t going to get the entire security industry to take your side. If you received an SOR, this was NOT the result of ONE person. That’s not how it works.

Now . . . You say that you have an SOR but you ask how to respond to it? The package with the SOR includes your rights to file an appeal. Read it carefully. It also includes a copy of the Adjudicative Guidelines. The SOR will reference the AG paragraph your transgression is based on. Read that paragraph closely. It will include mitigating factors. See if any of those reasonably relate to your case.

Time is always a mitigating factor but I doubt that enough time has passed to apply it. Another is that the error is unlikely to be repeated. This might be a better defense. You’ve learned your lesson and so on. There may be others.

Your best chance to regain your clearance is going to be with a clearance lawyer. Only you can decide if this is going to be worthwhile. The lawyer could easily cost $5-10K.

Now it’s time to settle down and figure out where you go next. We can’t help you with that. We’re here to give advice but it’s up to you to take it or not.

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This is the problem here. You need to review Guideline E of the adjudicative guidelines. You disqualified yourself “(a) Deliberate omission, concealment, or falsification of relevant facts from any personnel security form, personal history stamen or other form used to conduct investigations, determine employment qualifications, award benefits or status, determine security clearance eligibility or trustworthiness, or award fiduciary responsibilities”

Being granted access to sensitive material is not a right. Your very own actions have resulted in the revocation of your access. The process is working correctly. You need to review the mitigating conditions and see if you meet that criteria and then follow the process outlined in the SOR.

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OK . . . I took “falsification” to mean charging issues. You didn’t say that it was an application and you are so wrapped up in yourself you it’s difficult at times to figure out what’s going on. But, why would an employer want to retain someone who lied on their application? This isn’t a high school job you had. If you are doing cleared work, it’s serious business.

I have on occasion told people that they do not deserve to have a clearance. Generally, I’m pretty neutral on the subject and I wouldn’t be giving people advice on how to recover from these situations if I didn’t think that they should be cleared. I’ve made that very clear. So, in my OPINION that’s one more strike against. Being cleared isn’t a right. It’s a privilege and decisions are made on that basis. The burden of proof is on the applicant not the agency.

I agree that the system is flawed but not for the reasons that you think.

You are unemployed because you falsified a job application. You lied about what happened at a previous employer.

It doesn’t matter that you excelled at your job. That’s not what the clearance process is about. This actually has nothing to do with your performance or with what your boss thought of your work.

Get it through your head . . . There IS a correlation between having lied in the past and your current job because there is a correlation between having lied in the past and lying in the future. They don’t just make this stuff up. It’s based on past breaches of national security.

What if it was you boss who wanted you to lie? What if a situation came up where you wouldn’t get caught? These are things to be considered.

You are likely right . . . You will never understand. That, again, is part of the problem.

Your position and the requirements of your position have nothing to do with security or public trust. It’s their job to determine if you are fit for a public trust or clearance.

You obviously haven’t put your anger aside. That’s what I have been telling you.

This is YOUR fault and you are the only one who can clean it up. That’s not a judgement. It’s a fact. If you want to do that, I asked you for some more information put you chose to continue your rant. I gave you some idea of what you might be able to do and what information we might be able to help you with.

If you want empathy, talk to your mother. If you want help resolving your issue, talk to us here.