DOE "Q" Non-Sensitive after having a Secret Clearance Revoked/Denied


I recently interviewed for a DOT position that requires a DOE “Q” Non-Sensitive clearance. The interview went well and I am expecting an offer. However, a year ago, my request to re-up my secret clearance with another agency was denied. The denial was a surprise and was due to guideline I. I’m currently in the process of trying to mitigate the factors that led to the denial. Should I have any hope at all of aquiring a DOE “Q” clearance? Is getting an attorney to assist worth the money? Please let me know. Thank you!


Personally I think lawyers confuse the issues and rather then focus on the issues they tend to look for loopholes they could try to exploit. Adjudication does not require the same beyond a doubt thresholds that are found in criminal trials. If any doubt exists then the decision is always made in favor of national security. I advise you to read the Adjudicative Desk Reference under the Psychological Conditions section and read the mitigating factors to prepare your response. Issues can be mitigated using the right approach.