Employer Stopped Sponsorship

Today I got a notice from a special investigator that I was no longer in DISS and I needed to provide proof of sponsorship. I contacted the company Security Specialist in charge of my stuff and she said it was canceled by the Operations Manager. I called him up and he said my clearance was no longer needed. All of the clearance positions that he had were now full and it would now be cheaper and easier to hire someone who already had clearance than to continue sponsoring me.

When my clearance was denied they transferred me to an entry level position, cut my pay, and then have reduced/changed my hours whenever they needed to and their justification each time was that it was just temporary until my clearance finished. Now the new manager is saying that none of those promises matter because they were made before he took over.

I know they answer is probably, yes it’s legal, but can they really do this? Can they just stop my clearance and give away the job I was hired for because the process was taking forever?

Yes. Especially if they needed a body and you had issues getting a clearance.

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I see, that seems like a great way to get high quality cheap labor. Hire highly skilled people who will take a long time to get clearance. Pay them almost nothing while you sponsor them and they do other jobs that bring in high profit revenue. Most would be willing to work because having clearance creates a lot of future job opportunities. Then when you think they are about to get a verdict let them go so you always have openings and don’t look like a clearance mill.

They have NO idea how long it will take someone to get a clearance. That is on YOU and your issues.

Sponsoring someone for a clearance costs time and money. They took a chance on you and it was a failure. This is why many companies want people that already have a clearance.

The issues that prevented you from getting a clearance belong to you.


From your other post. “This would be my fourth time starting the clearance process because my need for clearance never outlasted the process itself.”

You’re obviously not that highly skilled if the jobs you’re applying for keep getting filled before your clearance is finished…

Well my first job with clearance when I was young was for a 6 month project. Once the job was done so was the need so clearance.

The second time was when I was already working for a company that landed a government contract. Did all the paperwork and the project was ramping up. Then about 9 months into it the govt agency had to pull the plug because it lost a lawsuit on if it had the authority for the project.

The third time was when I moved and got a job on a military base where I worked there for two years. I didn’t know any better and never gave the clearance process a second thought. After all if there was an issue someone would tell me right?

It was after that job I discovered that I had had an interim clearance for those whole two years. No one can explain why I’m so interesting. I’m a single white guy with 0 credit issues, 830 score. 0 criminal history other than a few speeding tickets. I’m just a boring workaholic that reads, watches TV, and plays video games in my spare time. One person I was talking to joked I was so vanilla it was suspicious lol.

That’s true. I just wish there was something I could do to get past whatever their hungup is. It just feels like I’m sitting on the bottom of someone’s mountain of paperwork and nothing is being done other than slowly rising to the top as other people get done. I’d happily do an interview, polygraph, or whatever they wanted to help make things progress faster.

Why can’t I ever get assigned to the “vanilla” cases??? Lmao I always get the special cases! Like yes ma’am, I do have a terrorist in the family. :woman_facepalming:t3: Ugh! I could use some boring people, it would make my life easier!


or the “that felony arrest doesn’t count because I was under 18!” cases…

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Last place all 370 FTEs had to be fully cleared to enter 9k acre compound. Every housekeeper, grasscutter, line Cook, mechanic. The companies often submitted 5 or 6 per position open knowing only 1 or 2 would clear.