“Favorable with a waiver”

DISS says DODCAF adjudicated my investigation as “Favorable with a waiver.” This was a few months ago, but the clearance still hasn’t populated in my DISS profile. Am I waiting on another adjudication to complete? I thought DODCAF was the final step.

Also, favorable with a waiver means I’m good to go, right? There was some kind of issue found in my investigation, but they decided to waive it? I haven’t been notified to sign any waivers.

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I have seen people on this forum mention getting cleared but also receiving some kind of letter that basically said “don’t do that anymore” regarding whatever issue was uncovered. But I dont know any more than that.

If it is “favorable with a waiver” then I guess somebody has to grant that waiver. Somebody else posted on here a story about getting an interim clearance if it was approved by the new unit.

It means you’re on thin ice and should tread carefully. They are watching you like a hawk.

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There are two types of waivers–those granted under the Bond Amendment and those granted in accordance with Appendix C of Security Executive Agent Directive 4 (the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines).


As well, a waiver means other agencies don’t have to accept reciprocity for your background investigation because your clearance was granted with a waiver.


But based on the new policy, aren’t all of clearance holders are watched closely? The continuous vetting and reinvestigation…so what’s the difference between the new policy and the waiver? Based on the policy it pretty means they can ask you to do a poly whenever they want you to….