I would like your input on the following questions:
Fulltime vs partime FSO hours - If I were working as an FSO for a non-proessing/processing company with 130 plus cleared employees, how many hours in a week would it take to do the job? By job I mean; JPAS, e-FCL, awareness training, physical security, VAL’s, VAR’s etc.
Are you 130 and growing? Or 130 and pretty stable? I suspect that recruiting and clearing new employees will be a significant drain on your resources.
Thanks Ed for responding. We are a 130 and growing.
Oof. My site has 390 growing to 450 and I fill an easy 40 hour week plus up to 10 or 15 hours of additional time. Ed got it right yet again. Stable or moving target? A lot of my work is conducting security interview screenings, following up on SF86’s, and then getting them properly submitted and through the process. Plus I mange the escorts and monitor program on a large compound so I must also tend to a staff of roughly 65.