Full Scope Polygraph Follow-up Question

Hypothetical Scenario / Question

While working at Company A, Company B decides to sponsor me for a Full Scope Polygraph through a pipeline program.

I complete the polygraph and Company B notifies me that I passed, but not to put in my 2 week notice with Company A because there isn’t a contract at that moment that can support my skillset. Company B also notifies me that they have up to a year to find a contract for me to support before my Polygraph expires.

If Company B never finds a contract for me to support using my skillset, can Company A or C, D, E, etc. pickup my polygraph because they do have immediate work that fits my skillset?

Or, is Company B the only company initially allowed to read me onto a program to initially use the polygraph because they are the sponsoring company?

Unless I’m mistaken, the poly goes with the agency, not the contract company. So if you get a contract at the same agency with another company, that poly should still be good. But if you get a contract with the same company at a different agency, then you would have to take a new poly with that agency… I think…

Different contract that requires an FSP and different company, but same agency

I believe your eligibility remains for some period of time, if it is the same agency such as DoD for example. In other words, if it is with one company that contracts with the DoD and the other company was also one that contracts with the DoD. If one company is with the DoD and another is with the DoT, this may not be true. I honestly do not know in that case.

Your poly is not fully adjudicated until you start a position. Atleast that is what happened in my case.