How to mitigate the issuess?


While waiting for adjudication result, I reviewed my e-QIP and prepared myself for SOR. I found two potential issues as below.

  1. I was taken from home by police in 2010 when I had quarrel with my wife and she called 911. When I filled my e-QIP at late/end of 2016, I thought it already passed 7 years, plus when I left the place after they retained me for one night, I was told that there were no records for that since I was not charged. Anyway I marked ‘No’ for the question “In the past seven (7) years, have you been arrested by police, …”. I had interview with investigator at 02/2018, and he asked me about that and I explained to him (told him that I thought it’s 7+ years, and there is no record, so I didn’t mention it in e-QIP). I regret that I didn’t read this forum at that time, what I learned from this forum is that it’s better to expose a little bit ‘more’ than ‘less’.

  2. I have family members (parents and brothers) in foreign country. I sponsored my parents and they got ‘green card’ (PR) around 2008, but they went back and stayed there and their PR expired. They are too old to travel much and didn’t want to bother re-applying visa and PR, so they are staying there now. I periodically talk with them (once or twice a month), and visited them about once every other year. My two brothers are working as professional with zero powers in the local (small town/city).

You can see that my case takes really long (late/end 2016 to now), the main reason is probably 2), but I was confused since I got ‘interim’ denial recently but I remembered I got the denial shortly after I submitted e-QIP, and I have been told by FSO that my case is under ‘adjudication’ since early 2018. Anyways, I understand my case takes long because of my foreign family members.

As I said, I’m preparing for SOR regarding the two issues, can anyone please give advice on how I should respond to mitigate and convince the judges/reviewers? Really appreciate any inputs/suggestions.

I don’t have info on this, but I knew a person who was working with us, he got SOR because of family members being foreign citizens and working in foreign governments. He went to judge and mitigated his case and after 9 months from the date of his SOR, he got his final. But I don’t have any first-hand personal info on this. But from what I heard it’s possible to talk to an attorney once you have your SOR, that is if you get one. But I do know a person who sponsored both his parents and got his final clearance.

Thanks Redonions! Your information is very encouraging.

So many times I almost lost patience and try to look outside, but my co-workers and security office people just told me to hang in there and ‘it (clearance) could be here anytime’, well maybe 3 yrs is still not long enough :frowning:

I hope there are people here who have faced the same situations as me, and can share their experience in mitigating their SOR(s) so I can prepare myself by learning.

Sure if I get SOR I will talk with attorney to deal with it.

Thanks again!

I also know more than one cases of people with direct family members in foreign countries, and with records of either financial or other legal matters.

Interesting enough I also see this article, it stated that " If something wasn’t a problem for another clearance holder, it won’t be a problem for you.

Can I bring this up if I go to a hearing for SOR?

Yes, just hang in there. Today we had another person who had received his SOR a few months ago, and now got his clearance after appearing in front of a judge last month. I don’t know exactly what was his SOR about, but he was granted final secret after 30 days from his SOR court day, which is very fast. About the article, sure you can bring that up, and as you said if something wasn’t a problem for another person, it should not be for you. And that should give one general idea. But the best person to discus such an article and arguments of that nature to help you SOR would be the lawyer.

Why are you preparing for an SOR? If you explained yourself to the investigator with the facts, you would not get an SOR. Did you let the investigator know everything?

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I did tell the investigator everything as I mentioned here. But the length (3+ yrs in total) makes me not optimistic, so I’m expecting a SOR. I assume they must find and suspect ‘something’ to take that long.

As reward to anyone who visits/cares my post(s), here is a brand new post from Lindy Kyzer, explaining each security clearance status. Hope it helps - I see some people lost on the status terms like me.


Hi!! Did you have any luck in gettin your clearance?