Hi All,
Had interview for final adjudication lasted 2 hours was intense any idea how much longer ? have Interim Secret . Now I have a DUI closed case . Have held clearances successfully previously I got the dui before Interim … declared it.
Kind regards
So your investigation completed (which would have to happen before you go to adjudication) and then had an additional interview (which sounds like it may have been requested by the adjudicator) and THEN you got a DUI?
no i had the dui when i got interim ?
I got the dui March 2019 and got interim later.
Then I guess the DUI had been successfully mitigated and was not enough of a concern to prevent you from getting an interim.
As to how much longer it will be, no one can tell. Plan for at least six more months and maybe you will be pleasantly surprised if it comes in sooner
I pray it works out okay. I got another job offer so they will can take the clearance from current employer. Nervous at it all
I have heard of people who were able to switch jobs based on an interim clearance so it can be done… but there are no guarantees. I think it depends on the FSO at the gaining company and how well they know their customer.
I think it will be fine they do not seem concerned at all …
March 2019 is recent. Is the entire case closed? Fines paid? No probation?
yes case closed fines paid …
got a new job they want to pick up my interim secret clearance the last job picked it up no issues so worried now u seem to know alot advice appreciated scared …
Happy HOlidays
I have heard of cases where this worked. As long as the new company’s security folks know what they are doing, should not be a problem.
All I can think of off the top of my head is how recent the event was.
No need to be nervous if you were transparent from the start. I was in the same pickle but in my case it was not expunged but reduced to Wet and Reckless (lesser DUI conviction in California but importantly still stems from a DUI charge nonetheless. This might be called something else in other states).
For reference I was able to get Secret after a 1 year investigation followed by a TS the year after. Be transparent. So despite your case being expunged be sure to state it regardless otherwise it would cause more pain and delays for you.
I had an expunged case of misdemeanor theft as a minor. I disclosed either way because transparency is key and I slept at night peacefully since.