Is an AOA Violation an issue?

I have a young pilot with an AOA badge that made a invert mistake escorting non badged balloon guys at the local airport. He received a chewing out and a letter of violation of TRS section 1542.203 code and a $100 fine. He is now studying to be an aeronautical engineer and is freaked out that it will all be for not if this mistake blocks him getting a security clearance.

Is this an issue?

What can he do to mitigate the impact?


His age at the time, how long ago it happened, successful work history since then, and no further security violations all mitigate the one-time incident. If that is the only issue there should be no reason he would not be eligible for a clearance.

Age of incident: 18 he is a 19 now freshman
How long: he would be looking for aviation jobs with Boeing, Northrop Grumman in Junior, Senior years, 3 to 4 years
Successful work history: I am encouraging him to get an AOA badged job on the tarmac for a private jet company but he is hesitate. Would this be helpful to demonstrate a successful work history and no further security violations?

Please continue to comment. This is a do good kid, who made his first mistake and he is paranoid that it will haunt him the rest of his career. The more comments I can gather the more confidence he will have.
