Is the NSA on a hiring freeze?

Some positive news.


I also followed up with Parker about retention strategies and how NSA keeps its mission alive for employees, especially given the often less glamorous nature of intelligence work. She acknowledged the ā€œJason Bourne effect,ā€ where some new hires might expect more action-packed roles, only to find themselves in more traditional office settings.

lol, so Iā€™m not gonna be some secret agent? Dang it.

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Thereā€™s an article on the main Clearance Jobs page about NSA planning to hire 1500+ people in the coming year.

Well they better start putting up some postings!

Same article said they just hired 3500?

@eternally_waiting already posted the link but I felt the need to be redundant.

And now I see that the quote shared by @RandomMan is from that same article :roll_eyes: I blame the web site for kinda hiding these links (lame excuse) :sunglasses:

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Haha, thatā€™s still good information to share. But yeah, itā€™s hard to hire without having the job postings. Get it together, NSA!

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My buddy told me that they go to DEFCON to recruit every year, so they definitely have some type of hiring process without applying.

Saw this on with the tag ā€œOops, Sorry!ā€ when I tried to look at NSA jobs

We are currently experiencing technical issues that are preventing us from accepting new applications. Our team is working to resolve the problem as soon as possible.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The DIA link still takes you to their jobs page. Didnā€™t look at any others.

Seems quite coincidental for their portal to go down due to ā€œtechnical issuesā€ the same day that hundreds of other federal webpages go down, as well as another IC application portal.

Iā€™m guessing it has to do something with removing DEI and other related language, or otherwise complying with one of the other similar EOs.

The portal is back up and thereā€™s a bunch of new jobs posted.

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