Job is laying off soon. Is it better to get a job ASAP while my TS/SCI CI POLY is active than wait after layoffs happen?

I have a TS/SCI active clearance with CI Poly from my job. That CI poly took 3 hours and is still ingrained in my memory. So my worry is that I’d have to retake it again soon or that employers would be less likely to hire me after I’ve been laid off. Should I take the first available job to me or wait until after being laid off? Would waiting lessen my chances to quickly make my clearance active again? and would I need to take the CI Poly again if it’s needed? Also my CAC says it expires 6/24 so not sure what that even means if we are being laid off. TIA!

First of all CAC expiration is completely separate from clearance/investigation dates.

Second, the rule of thumb is you can reactivate a clearance within 24 months of the last time it was active; some stories of even longer lapses not causing a problem. Hard to say about the poly but I’ll bet it will not be an issue, although a new customer might want you to go through it again at some point.

Third (and most important) get your resume up to date NOW and start your job search IMMEDIATELY.


You’re waiting for what, exactly?

Looking for another job is not being disloyal or violating any rules. If the poly is an issue, you can always look for something that doesn’t require a poly. As far as how quickly to accept, that depends on your situation. Can you afford to be picky? If not, you can always take something less than ideal then keep looking.

Curious why is immediately in capital letters? I already started but I am trying to not take the first job offerered to me if it doesnt have to do with my career trajectory.

Note that I did not say IMMEDIATELY take the first job, just IMMEDIATELY start your job search. And it sounds like you are.

I worked at a place once where a number of people with many years of service were actually hoping to get laid off to get their severance payout.