Loss of Jurisdiction as a Federal Contractor

I have accepted a role as a contractor at NRO. A few months ago I quit a job as a contractor at NGA because I was put on a PIP that was unreasonable (no allegations of misconduct just skillset related and trying to get me to go onsite more contrary to the contract that I had in place).

I asked the company that I worked for if I could return my badges via mail to save the commute and they advised that I could. They gave me a very specific place to return my badge to at the NGA and they also provided a pre-paid label.

I then returned the badges to NGA. A few months later I get a call from the FSO at the company saying that NGA had not received my badges. The FSO was really giving me a hard time. I then contacted NGA and asked them to determine the fate of my badges. NGA advised that they had not received my badges (even after showing them delivery confirmation) but that they would hold me harmless.

Today I received a call from a company about a DOD contract. I advised that I had accepted another role but was still curious about the position. I like to do clearance spot checks when I can to see what is going on behind the black iron curtain when possible so I had the FSO check my clearance.

Alarm bells went off for the FSO when they articulated that I had a “loss of jurisdiction”.

I went back to another FSO that I know and consider to be an expert. He said say goodbye to my clearance. That my clearance is basically done.

He did say that I might be ok if my clearance is ok in Scattered Castles but I won’t be working a DOD job again and that could take 2 years to straighten out. He treated it as my loss of clearance being due to legal trouble or not paying my bills. Neither is the case. He said good luck finding out what the issue is.

The FSO at the company that I am working for said that this is actually normal if I am working an NRO contract since NRO deals only with scattered castles.

Any idea what is going on? I’d hate to be working at NRO and then suddenly get walked to the door. I would rather just give up and go to the private sector if that is the case.


I found out that the previous FSO submitted an incident report when I failed to “return” my badges but once they realized that I had returned my badges they said that they removed the incident report and all that I need to do is have the next company reciprocate to DISS which I am willing to guess is something that they may not be willing or able to do.


Might be a good topic to post on FedWork.Net by ClearanceJobs: https://www.fedwork.net/

Wondering if you received closure on this?