Mental Health Disclosure


I’m sure this had been asked and I apologize for that. As of this last year I have been having a lot of anxiety, depression and one PTSD episode.

I’ve been making a lot of mistakes at work. Being forgetful and sometimes not being able to type as a result of nerves.

I have written on both my e-qip and a form from my company, stating that I do in fact have a disability.

The concern I have is the our FSO had told us time and again to disclose anything that could be affecting my job performance.

The question is, should I come right out and say it, or hold back. I’ve been seeing a therapist, psychiatrist and on a food plan to help me get more balanced in my life.

The question is, do I disclose this to my company? I’m scared I might lose my job, my clearance and possibly my whole career.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


I disclosed it, my management was extremely supportive. But it’s a judgement call. If you feel like you’d be suspicious that they would judge you or something because you don’t know them well or think they wouldn’t be receptive then yes it may be better not to. If you have an accessibility office, contact them first.

You do have to report starting therapy, but honestly outside of that, try not to use it as an excuse. “I didn’t sleep well last night” or “I’m not feeling well today” are perfectly valid explanations without disclosing too much.

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