Mental Health Treatment - Clearance renewed

I just wanted to post my story here as a bit of hope for others that have received mental health treatment or are thinking about getting treatment. My 5 yr PR was initiated last July (fed for IC), just a few months after I had gotten out of treatment. I had a pretty severe eating disorder and sought treatment, ultimately going to a residential program, then PHP and IOP and being out of work for 10 months. The entire time my agency was incredibly supportive. I reported myself to the security psychologists, interviewed with them before going and after coming back. Still I was so worried with my PR came up for renewal, given the length of time in treatment AND the fact that this was not my first time seeking treatment for this issue. I remain in twice weekly therapy and am doing really well in recovery. My PR was completed in January and I am now wanting to be an advocate in DOD and the IC for getting treatment. If you follow the process and mitigate any concerns, you can get treatment without it impacting your clearance.


Great to hear. Thanks for sharing your story and good luck in your recovery.

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Great to hear. I think individuals with treatment listed on an initial investigation would not agree with you. The process can be incredibly long complicated and painful for them. The revision of the equip questions a few years ago have cleared things up and seem to have discouraged people from listing unrequired marital counselling. But, the unrealisitic complicated and confusing coverage guidelines and the secretive HIPAA sensitive medical communities make obtaining coverage difficult ,lengthy, nearly impossible at times. Subject with private expensive medical providers definitely have an advantage in the process.

The mental health issue reporting/resolution is not very hard. Subject and providers make the process hard.

Getting help is a mitigating factor. Following the treatment is a mitigating factor.

You only need to report what the questions ask. If you had any of those situations, take the time to research who was the provider and where - then send them a letter/note that your are going through a background investigation and an investigator - with HIPPA releases - may or may not contact them. “I don’t remember the provider/location” delays the case. Not reporting treatment when required delays your case. Having your provider delay, delay, well, delay the investigator while they try to contact you to make sure it’s okay, well… delays the case.

Having your provider say, “I can’t answer those questions Mr BGI, they haven’t shown for their appointments in 3 months” can get your clearance suspended.

The only time I have ever seen someone lose their clearance for mental health was because they sought unauthorized treatment outside of the military health care system or they stop going to treatment.

I had one Subject who’s doctor told me that they were terrified of the Subject because of her behavior ---- and the Subject got her clearance.

Mental health is not an instant disqualifier.