NSA - how to FOIA your clearance investigation?


I previously was in processing with NSA. I’d love to request my background investigation + poly & psych report. Which agencies do I need to contact/how do I go about that?


I think NSA actually calls this a “privacy act” request and there is (or was) a link on their home page.

If your investigation was done through DCSA then you can go to their website to request your investigation and adjudication. It takes a long time to get. I think mine took about 4
Months to get in the mail.

Yes I believe it’s technically a privacy act request when it involves your own data. Would it be a request to NSA or another agency? I believe the background investigation was done by another agency (DCSA maybe?) and the psych & poly was with NSA.

I’m pretty sure NSA runs their own investigations, at least for direct hire.

Out of curiosity, I went to look on their website… thought it was right on the homepage but I used their search tool and found this:

NSA - Submit Privacy Act Request

Don’t expect a quick turnaround :slight_smile: and others who have done this have not received all the info they hoped for.