Past MJ Use-SF85P

Have a TO with HHS for Public Trust Position. Now have SF85P to complete. First time federal employee, so no previous clearance concerns. Used marijuana on two occasions in last 7 years: July 2019 and Jan 2020. Both times in states where recreational is legal. Isolated incidents. Does not associate with illegal drug users. No intent to use again and willing to sign form agreeing to such.

What is likelihood of favorable suitability? Have been looking for a new job for a while? Willing to just withdraw from consideration and seek jobs outside federal gov’t if probability of suitability is slim.

Based on the information you have been provided, it has been well over a year since last use, and in most cases that is not a major concern… assuming this is not some kind of law enforcement position, in which case more stringent standards apply.

I’d say there is a very good likelihood of favorable suitability. But I doubt they’ll ask for my input :slight_smile:


I agree with @sbusquirrel. Only thing to note here is that (as I’m sure you know) the argument that it was legal in the state doesn’t really matter as these investigations operate under federal law where it is still considered illegal.