People who know you well

Is it a bad idea or a problem to list someone you have used marijuana with in the past as someone who knows you well on your SF86?

I stopped smoking in 2018. They still smoke (have had a medical card in CA for years). When I quit, they respected that boundary. I moved away from CA almost 2 years ago, but we keep in touch every few weeks over text.

I assume during my interview (this is a T5 investigation), I will be asked about who I’ve used marijuana with, and they would be the best person for that as well.

Am I going to create a problem for myself if I list them as someone who knows me well, because I used to smoke pot with them, and they still do? (I don’t have many other options aside from coworkers and friends I haven’t seen in several years).

I wouldn’t list them simply because the investigator is going to want someone you see for regular in-person social contact. If you haven’t seen them in two years, they’ll want someone better.

Would that I could… the only people I see in person are relatives (I’ve not made any new friends since moving), and the instructions I got with my packet say I can’t list family for these references. I don’t have many friends that I keep in touch with and who know me well, and the few that do all live hundreds or thousands of miles away.