Is it a bad idea or a problem to list someone you have used marijuana with in the past as someone who knows you well on your SF86?
I stopped smoking in 2018. They still smoke (have had a medical card in CA for years). When I quit, they respected that boundary. I moved away from CA almost 2 years ago, but we keep in touch every few weeks over text.
I assume during my interview (this is a T5 investigation), I will be asked about who I’ve used marijuana with, and they would be the best person for that as well.
Am I going to create a problem for myself if I list them as someone who knows me well, because I used to smoke pot with them, and they still do? (I don’t have many other options aside from coworkers and friends I haven’t seen in several years).
I wouldn’t list them simply because the investigator is going to want someone you see for regular in-person social contact. If you haven’t seen them in two years, they’ll want someone better.
Would that I could… the only people I see in person are relatives (I’ve not made any new friends since moving), and the instructions I got with my packet say I can’t list family for these references. I don’t have many friends that I keep in touch with and who know me well, and the few that do all live hundreds or thousands of miles away.
For that section they want someone who, in the last 5 years, has had at least monthly in person social contact. They don’t have to be your best friend. Maybe someone you see at church every week, a coworker that you go to happy hour with every month, your parking lot smoking buddy you have social conversations with, a coworker you have lunch with and have social conversations with, someone you go to the gym with at least monthly, your roommate who you see all the time and have social interaction with, your hairdresser that you see monthly and have social conversation with, etc. ANYONE that you see IN PERSON and have some sort of social interaction, even if it is not a lot and not super deep conversation. I know this is WEIRD and I have no idea why the government does social coverage this way. This is what your investigator will be looking for to cover the social requirement. A coworker can absolutely cover this requirement if you have social interaction (lunches, dinners, happy hours, etc). Family doesn’t cover this requirement. If you moved, say, 2 yrs ago, but have friends from your previous location for 3-5 years ago with in person social interaction, then list them.
Bumping this thread instead of starting a new topic. On Section 11 page 10 of the current SF86 form, it clearly says:
"For any address in the last 3 years, provide a person who knew you at that address, and who preferably still lives in that area. Do not list people who knew you for residences completely outside this 3-year period, and do not list your spouse, cohabitant or other relatives as the verifier for periods of residence."
In section 16, we have to list three people who knew us covering the last 7 years. I provided this info. However, the IC agency that recently processed me had the investigator, and my polygrapher, ask for more references from people that knew me at my address more than three years ago, which contradicts Section 11 page 10.
The CI polygraph also went into personal/lifestyle questions and covered my entire life of foreign travel, not just the last 10 years.
Don’t sweat it too much. List people who know personal info about you and have favorable honest opinions about you and people that respond to requests for interviews. From my experience references when interviewed often overexaggerate their contact with the person being investigated. Especially digital electronic communication. Nobody really has a perfect memory of how many times a month they have in person and/or digital social contact.