Polygraph expired - FBI wont update it if I am going to leave

My CI Polygraph was done in 2015 by the FBI and I am currently supporting them. I was offered a new position with the DOD and when I started my clearance crossover they let me know that my CI Polygraph was expired and I will have to get it updated before I can be accepted. When I went back to my CSO to get my new poly scheduled he said “we are not going to update your poly for you to just leave.” Is that even legal? How am I even allowed to continue working with an expired Poly?

Your current agency could have different rules.

Of course. Why would an agency spend their resources to update an investigation knowing the employee was leaving. Now they have to spend twice the resources to replace you.

They dont even know that I have an offer on the table. It’s almost like they are using it as a way to trap me in my position. Also, wouldn’t the gov customer be unhappy if they were to find out that my polygraph is expired and I am still dealing with TS information?

You don’t always need a poly to deal with classified information. I am 100% sure that your current clearance meets your current jobs requirements.

And it still doesn’t change the fact that your current organization will not fund a new BI/poly just for you to leave.

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Then why did they tell him he needed to have a current CI poly?

Unless I read it wrong, the new organization said that.

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My current position required me to get a polygraph with the FBI

If your current position requires you to have a CI Poly and yours is expired why would they respond they wouldn’t schedule you a new poly? How would they ever know you were interested in leaving?

Sounds like you let cat out of the bag. Or your contract company doesn’t work that closely with poly. The gov determines when you need to repoly. Then they tell company security person to get new equip/ sf86. Ive seen folks fet one poly and work 15 years. Others? Every 5.