Potential of Upcoming Hiring Freeze

I’ve heard plenty of talk about the possibility of an executive hiring freeze following the upcoming inauguration. I’m currently in adjudication for a 3-letter IC agency.

From my understanding, it seems like CIA and ODNI jobs were exempted from the freeze last time. Would that have included all agencies that report to ODNI as well? I’m just curious to hear what the thoughts and experiences of those who are more knowledgeable about these things. I haven’t been stressed about the possibility of a hiring freeze at all, but with inauguration coming up so soon, I am getting a bit more worried about the possibility of ever starting this position.

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I read that back in 2017 if you had an EOD before March I think it was, you were good to go. I want to believe positions within the IC are safe and exempt from freezes, but I think you need an FJO to be truly safe. I have an EOD for 1/27 inside the IC and my program officer has reassured me several times that I’m good to go.


Sometimes there are broad agency-wide freezes but more often there are more limited “freezes” as they prioritize certain positions over others. And I think they are reluctant to ever announce a “freeze” for fear of scaring off applicants.

And an FJO is good but still no guarantee. When you are sitting at your desk (or in your new employee orientation class) then you are safe.