SF 85P-Will poor credit history cost me the job?

Seeking an expert opinion:

I was recently given a tentative job offer. I am filling out my SF 85P. I pulled my credit report today just to verify that I had 3 charge-offs from 2014. Total of balances is less than $2500. I will accurately disclose them, but will this prevent me from being hired? I have prioritized and remained current on my mortgage, car payments and worked on paying off other, larger debts through credit counsellor. Would it be beneficial to attempt to settle before submittal deadline next week?


As long as you are taking steps to resolve the debts, don’t have a history of financial irresponsibility, you should be able to mitigate any concerns. Just make sure you have documentation to corroborate your efforts at resolution.

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Thank you sir. The circumstances were all related to becoming unemployed and I have already taken action to get these resolved within the next 30-60 days. I can document and show a history having to prioritize other financial obligations (mortgage, car payments etc.) due to my situation at the time. I am relieved to hear that these aren’t a make-or-break-it situation since they are the only negative factor that exists. This site is a great resource and very appreciated.

If they charged it off you may not be able to pay them. But do establish communication with them and keep all correspondence. If they turned the debt over to collections they no longer hold that debt. But if current credit score is trending towards better and better, meaning well north of 630 FICO, best if at least 680 moving towards 700 plus, it should be okay.