SOR sent 2 months ago

I am waiting for a Secret Clearance. Upon getting out recruit training I was informed by student security managers I had yet to receive a clearance. Financial. I joined the military at 24, made horrible credit decisions 18-22. I own up to that.


Security managers at the time informed to pay small monthly amounts to collectors and submit proof. 3 months later upon finishing A school, informed still no clearance. On hold before I can leave the command. 5 months later received LOI. Security managers suggested a major increase of payments and proof of the higher payments.


This was 2 months ago. There has been no update. Is this typical? Should I be worried?

You say you were issued an LOI which should have had what the specific concerns were for you to respond to and provide supporting documentation. If you addressed all of the concerns and provided proof that you have taken the initiative to resolve your debts then that is all you can do. But if there are still unresolved issues and/or accounts that were not addressed in your response, or if there are new delinquent accounts, then that may be what is holding up them making a clearance decision. Get your security managers to ask the CAF to provide you a status update and at the same time provide them any information or documents that may show your efforts in resolving the issues.