State Department Clearances.

I have been on this forum for a few months. It has been very helpful and has helped me through this process. But, I have noticed that the majority of people are getting their clearances through DoD. Is anyone getting one from DoS and what has been there timelines?
my timeline is
February 2017 passed OA
March/April 2017 began BI
August 2017 had interview with BI investigator
February 2018 cased moved into adjudication.
Still waiting for final cleaeance.

The State Department has lifted its hiring freeze just last week. I am curious if other people who are waiting fe DoS are having similar delays and what their timelines are. Thank you again.

Im waiting on DoS secert…been in adjudacation since 8 Febuary.

DOS - Secret
Met with investigator multiple times from 11/2017-02/2018.
Contacted by adjudication for additional information 3/2017
Today - Still in adjudication…

-I never heard of any hiring freeze? How long did that go on for?

I was going to ask the same question…“what freeze”, but I dont think it effects contract work only actually DoS internal hires…but I could be wrong.

I would agree with that statement. Also, if there was a hiring freeze I don’t see them stopping security clearances that are already in process.

State Dept kept the initial Trump hiring freeze going until shortly after Mike Pompeo was sworn in as SecState. Not sure how long it will take to get the whole pipeline thawed.

And of course there were periodic updates for current employees that had to be conducted even if no new hires were being processed.