Submitted sf86 for Secret level March 2017

My case is sitting at adjudication for over an year since my interview with NBIB agent and total 2 yrs since submit my SF86 to OPM, while I’m still working on confidential status.

I accepted offer to start at DoD contractor in Feb 2017 on ‘confidential status’. I submitted my SF86 in March 2017. I started work mid March 2017 at G11. My credit report was checked around May 2017. Around Oct/Nov of 2017, rec’d an email string my interim was denied, which was expected since I had following history, all was disclosed and documented pre and post NBIB interview. (with exception to item # 11 below pertaining to section # 22 in SF86)

  1. I had international travel history from previous employment thru 2016 (17 Int’l trips + some personal in 2016). Disclosed/declared
  2. Moreover, in my last position with previous employer from 2010 thru 2016, I had history of multiple internal trips to Mexico, Canada, India, UK and Finland, mainly work and some personal. Disclosed / declared
  3. I had loaned my uncle some monies wired ($25K) in south east Asia in 2014 which was paid back to me within 6 months. Declared / Disclosed to NBIB agent.
  4. In 1992 I renounced my foreign citizenship and adopted US citizenship via naturalization by doing so I also changed the spelling of my surname - sounds same, perhaps, spelled diff
  5. I also declared I do exchange phone calls and social media msg across the globe with friends/family
  6. Had no bankruptcies or financial issues in my 30+ yrs of residency across 2 states in US
  7. I own 3 houses in 2 states - 2 on rent + 50 acres of uncultivated agriculture land
  8. No drug or alcohol related issues
  9. Repeat extensions paying taxes - for 5+ yrs in a row. Declared disclosed
  10. Transferred small amounts of monies overseas to parents or invested in savings/annuity for my own thru 30 yrs of stay in US. Disclosed/declared
  11. In 2005 I have had infraction ‘misdemeanor’ case in local municipality court, this was the state I originally lived for 20 yrs. I was NOT arrested or put behind bars. This was over 10 yrs back since I submitted my SF86. I took the classes and the case was closed and expunged.

Now every little detail was disclosed/declared with exception to details of item # 11, which pertains to item # 22 in SF86. I was about to declare and disclose this to NBIB agent at interview, hence, this is what agent said, “since I was NOT sentenced for imprisonment NOR incarcerated for more than a year because of that misdemeanor, there’s NO need to report/disclose in SF86”

My question and concern is, since my case is sitting at adjudication for over an year and most interestingly NONE of my references, neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives have NOT been contacted. Now what are the possibilities of getting my case thru adjudication? or worse, if my clearance is denied following adjudication, what options I have?

Most importantly, my concern is, in case adjudication decides to deny issuing me secret clearance …will my employer continue to keep me on payroll on confidential or rescind my active employment?

It sounds like you are in adjudication hell. I don’t see any reason you wouldn’t receive a Secret clearance, though plenty of reason you didn’t get an interim. Keep in mind, I’m not an adjudicator, it just seems like any questionable activity is behind many years behind you.

I would recommend contacting one of your Congresspersons. This is a pretty clear case of a file taking way too long or getting forgotten, and in need of a Congressional inquiry to bump it back into the mix. You should be able to find out how to do this by searching this site, but it basically comes down to calling/emailing your Congresspeople until they get you to someone who knows how to help with stuck clearance applications.

If your clearance is denied, they will issue a SoR document stating why you were denied. You should review this, and if you think you can appeal, then do so with the help of a clearance lawyer.

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Thank you, appreciate your affirmative assurance, I see the sight of relief on horizon. I plan on making contact with local congressman next week. Thanks again

You are a naturalized citizen, you have regular contact with foreign family, you have loaned money to foreign nationals, you send money overseas and you have investments overseas. You have a large amount of international travel for the last nine years, you regularly file extensions for your tax filings . . .

While none of this is disqualifying, there is a lot to make decisions on. In addition, you haven’t mentioned ANY of the countries involved in your citizenship, your family, your investments or your travel.

And you’re surprised at the length of time they are taking to decide? A decision has to be made on each of these issues individually. Only then can the “whole person” concept be applied to make a decision.

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Thanks Ed, much appreciated your affirmative input. Makes sense.
Thx again

I’ve put in request with congressman to help expedite my case thru OPM and DoD/CAF Adjudication.

Perhaps, I’m not sure how much leverage/influence office of congressman has to expedite thru DoD adjudication.

In other words, will DoD listen to or respond to office of congressman’s inquiry to expedite a civilian’s request?

If it was like my Congressman’s office’s efforts, they will first contact OPM to determine the status of the clearance, and OPM/NBIB will notify DoDCAF of congressional interest. I’m not sure if this has any effect on DoDCAF to expedite, but it might get someone to unstick it if it is stuck. If nothing else, it might get somebody at DoDCAF to wonder why it hasn’t moved in a long time.

Thanks. Makes sense. Hoping for the best!

I got my clearance today after approx. 2.5 yrs

This is after coordinating with local congressmen staff in May, ball got rolling, they found out my case was put aside within DoD/CAF pending review for over 700 days and no one was working. So finally after 900+ days all thru.