Truth to SCIS Rumor?

Any truth to the rumor of SCIS cutting all hours of full time employees to part time?

Temporary measure to keep everyone employed.

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I don’t think it will be long until companies like Perspecta follow along. It’s either switch everyone to part-time or lay off, probably a combo of both.

It will definitely suck if layoffs occur because a lot of places that aren’t grocery stores aren’t really hiring, so other opportunities may be sparse. This COVID mess is going to drag on for months because the U.S. dragged its feet

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Lets hope so…No matter what positive spin they put on reduced hours, the truth is one foot just left solid ground and is now on a slippery slope. Yes they can come back but nobody really knows what’s going to happen. Get your creds with other agencies fast because they aren’t having continuous issues like another well known agency that frequently changes names.

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This is a step down for SCIS. Next step is out. SCIS sits behind CACI with ISN and Perspecta. SCIS won’t be back to full time, ever.

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I’m pretty sure nobody knows what’s going to happen yet. SCIS has very substantial financial backing and can afford to wait it out. I was told by a knowledgeable supervisor at another company that SCIS could take a loss for 10 years and it wouldn’t hurt them. If there currently isn’t enough work for SCIS then other vendors are, or will be in the same boat. Also, SCIS is ramping up on alternate contracts which are extremely stable. Vendors without alternate contracts will be in worse shape than SCIS. It’s really too early to put nails in coffins.

Nope. Definitely not behind. Spoke to a couple of people at ISN. Their investigators are barely working. They’re getting paid on an hourly per case basis and getting a couple of hours of work per week here and there.

Only say that because SCIS is 3rd in the pecking order. Also CACI International is a billion dollar defense contractor so it’s going to be hard to displace them.

First of all I hope the best for CACI and every other vendor. I’ve worked for all of them at one time or another and they all have good and bad. I have an extensive network of CI friends from CA to NY comprised of people from all vendors who are continuously told by their company that they are number one…who cares…1, 2, 3 is just a little game played by the customer to turn all the step children against each other. The fact that CACI does not have alternate contracts in the BI business and solely relies on the unstable ABCD Agency is problematic for CACI which is what happened to GDIT.


If you have the skills there are plenty of jobs available right now.

10 million new unemployed and you say there are plenty of jobs out there!!

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Correct. However, most of those who lost those jobs were food, retail, service or hotel based. There are jobs that require unique skills out there.