When are suitability denials given?

@amberbunny I would be eternally in your debt if you could answer my question a few posts up!

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@scipioafricanus I believe there are 2 suitability “phases”? The agency can deny you based on suitability prior to your BI starting based on information you provided, poly, etc. If they don’t do it there then the BI proceeds, and after the BI they can either deny you for a clearance, deny you for suitability, or approve you. It’s still possible to receive a suitability denial because it’s possible the BI uncovers something you didn’t tell them initially, something that wouldn’t result in a clearance denial but would still cause a suitability denial. So technically, yes you can still receive a suitability denial if they find some unflattering information during your BI, but if you were honest the whole time prior to the BI (severity, which drugs, number of times, etc.) and they didn’t give it to you then, then the chances of getting a suitability denial at this stage is lower. This is how I understand it at least. Anyone feel free to correct me if I’m off


Okay the best overall answer is: “it depends.” I know that isn’t a good one. Can clarify the amount of drugs/use, and time since last use from the date you signed the SF86 ? Generally speaking, yes, a major disqualifying event stops you at initial screening. Most agencies conduct pre-screening/suitability review and each one believes only they do it correctly, without bias, no over or under screening. Hooey. Bias is everywhere. If you are in adjudication, after Poly in early Summer, depending if it is for an operational or non operational role, you have a few months to wait. Support roles take anywhere from a solid year to 18-19 months right now. Operational roles 12 months ish. I have folks who poly’d in March, who are just starting to clear at the 18 plus month mark. Minor drug use, if it was a handful of times, limited to MJ and more than 12 months since signing the SF86 or certifying the Equip…are easily overcome. You may sign a conduct letter. But still clear. You may also require an in person interview with adjudication if they want to get a feel for your answers and veracity. Still a good sign as the path is open. If you get a no go on Poly it is just that, a no go. But if an adjudicator wants to discuss it, it means they are looking for a reasonable and understandable set of circumstances to explain a situation.

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Thanks a ton! It wasn’t just MJ, but some hallucinogens a handful of times as well- but all of that occurred over 8 years ago while in college. And I disclosed it all on my SF86 that I submitted last year.

With respect to timeline- if I had my poly early this summer and the BI wrapped up last month, do you think I’m in for another year or so in adjudication? I’m an IC direct hire, if that’s relevant.

Amber is this 18-19 total time from applying to EOD. Or 18-19 from ploy?
So say someone has there investigation finishing up in Oct of this year and Ploy/med/pysch done in Sept of this year. Much many more months tacked on for a non-operational position do you think they’d have (give or take a few months) before they received a FJO and EOD.
My friend is trying to get hired in a I.T. capacity. Id like to give me an idea. He doesnt post in forums.

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Interesting… that may be what occurred with my SF86 filed in 2018 b/c Per email From FS Security I filed in July 2018 and I was denied interim 1 month later. Compared to when I applied in July 2017 and got interim in October 2017. Same employer but had to reapply for position and resubmit SF86 in July 2018.

I’m just trying to make some semblance of logic about this whole process.

With somewhat accuracy and consistency over ten years in this one client seat, I can say from the time I turn in an SF86, it takes about 2 months to turn on…visibly where I can see it. From there it takes about 18 to 19 months to fully clear. At that point the company can now schedule a start date.

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Hi can I ask a question? My investigation was closed in November. I just got an email to meet with the security officer. Is this good or bad news regarding my clearance? The email was very vague just stating they want to speak with me regarding my investigation. Would love to know your thoughts.

Could be anything. Are you 100% sure it’s closed? Could be a few clarifying questions or to let you respond/explain to information developed during the investigation.

If it’s with the in-house security folks at the organization, it could be literally anything from your polygraph results (if you took one) to similar stuff an adjudicator or investigator would ask.

I wouldn’t worry, it’s pretty common.

Thank you! Yes confirmed with OPM over the phone that it is definitely closed. I am hopeful that it is good news. Stay tuned

How did you confirm with OPM or DCSA as it is now called?

I called OPM and they told me verbally over the phone. Does this make a difference?

Hi thanks again, also I didn’t take a polygraph (not needed for secret). Does this make a difference in meeting with the security officer?

Then at the very least it won’t be an interview about your poly results :slight_smile:

I’d take OPMs word about it being closed. You could be being read-in, or security might have a few clarifying questions. Either way not bad news.

To be “read in”, does it mean to actually go to work on the first day and being processed on the job or could it somehow happen once adjudication is completed before you start a job? In other words what needs to happen after adjudication for your TS be reflected in JPAS or SC?

I’d have to defer to the expert folks here on that one. Not sure if being read in usually happens on the first day or if that can happen beforehand.

You have to actually go to work in order to get read in.

Thanks. It ended up being fine. Just needed some more info. Thanks for your insight!

Hello Amber, I would like to get your input on this situation. Was arrested and charged with “False Insurance Claim” a felony about 15 years ago. The charges was dropped and expunged. I am in process with a 3 letter agency under DOJ for a special agent position. I disclosed it all on SF86- I did my poly and passed. The security Specialist and polygrapher didn’t think my arrest was a big deal. Now I am waiting to be scheduled for my Medical. Since I made it this far. What are my chances for suitability and getting that SCI TS?

FYI, I currently work for a 3 letter agency in a law enforcement capacity and with a Secret clearance.

Hello people. I have a specific question and I see there is a so much knowledge on the topic here.
I was hired by an agency that required a TS. I was honest on both sf86 and poly and moved on to academy. I was trained and graduated and did my job for 8 months ( badge and gun doing good stuff). I was then terminated on what was disclosed on my sf86. Was there an error made along the way? and what can I do to prove that I earned my job and want it back?. My termination letter stated I failed to maintain suitability because of what I stated on SF86.

I was giving nothing else but that letter and let go…. It was the worst day of my life.

Any info would be helpful.