I decided to go f/t for now. I took a position with omni. They pay well and don’t really bother you at all. The workload is a bit heavy but manageable and only metrics are timeliness… for now.
My plan is to rack up cash in my HSA prior to going 1099 to offset some of the healthcare costs. The ultimate goal will be to go 1099 in a few years. Are you completely on your own or with a 1099 company?
You’re so right about the cough requirements of some vendors. P constantly makes stuff up that’s not in DCSA guidance then adds it to their own monkey guidance forms and CRG then demands everyone follow their made up guidance rules. Hmmm who’s in charge here, DCSA or P??? Being 1099 does somewhat remove a person from portions of this nonsense but not from review.
I’m a new 1099 Investigator with Peraton, starting my new agent training next week (11/4). After a 13 year career in local law enforcement/investigations followed by a 20 year career as an 1811 with OPM, which included conducting integrity investigations on BI’s, I am looking forward to “new agent training.” In years past, former 1811’s would sometimes “skip the line” and not have to complete the training, but I see all learning as a positive. Even if it ends up being a basic refresher. Now, would I prefer to not spend 4 weeks with no pay or 3 weeks shadowing another investigator after I spent 15 years supervising special agents? Of course. But it’s merely a stepping stone to what comes next. I see plenty of opportunity once this short training period is over and I’m sure even this old dog will learn a couple of new tricks. As we used to say in CITP, “cooperate to graduate.”