I am leaving a full time position with Xcelerate /NETS to take a 1099 position with ISN working the DIA contract. I am assuming I am going to have to take work with another vendor, but do not want to work DCSA anymore. I am hearing that the intel contracts are so easy. Anyone here working intel contracts or have any recommendations on companies that have intel contracts? Thanks in advance!
My opinion is the intel contracts are more difficult than DCSA. DCSA is just a wide spectrum of difficulty depending on the reviewer/adjudicator. Intel contracts often require much more info that needs collected from Subjects , sometimes bordering on inappropriate and meaningless
I just started 1099 work with ISN as well, in fact doing my first case now. Have some questions about the ForeSite platform that I could use some help with. Specifically, I can not copy and paste my report narrative from any format (Word, PDF, note, Google Doc) into the ForeSite narrative section of the lead and was wondering if you had any work-arounds.
I disagree, respectfully.
I found that DCSA was subject to random winds of change. This week we need this wording, next week we need a new disclaimer. Also the lack of consistency in review is maddening.
With intel, you are correct, there is much more information that is collected from the Subject, but at least it’s not “why didn’t you list the middle name of your mother who has been deceased for 15 years” type of stuff. I found intel Subjects to be more cooperative, they expect that they are going to have to lay things bare. Some DCSA (especially the first time, fresh out of school) Subjects do not understand the process and do not think they need to provide what we are asking.
Just my .02