I had been pursuing other employment activities for approximately 6-months prior to resigning from my most recent job of 8 1/2 years, due to me being unsatisfied with the work and climate of the organization. I was gathering enough resources (I.e. Money) to sustain me until I found a new job and was getting close to my end date. An ex of mine (Whom I now have a restraining order against), tried to get me in trouble with my job and made several false allegations of misconduct and policy violations against me (Even though she has a history of lying and was fired from a law enforcement agency for departing from the truth). I was issued an official letter of allegations against me of misconduct that informed me of the allegations and a start to an internal investigation of me. The allegations were all minor in nature and would NOT have gotten me fired but in all honesty and in efforts of falling on my sword, I did violate a few of the policy violations - NOT all. Rather than deal with the stress of defending myself, I resigned right after receiving the official letter. No person from the organization talked me into this and no one made this decision except myself. I took an early vested retirement since I was already considering leaving anyways and wrote a letter of resignation, tendering my 2-weeks notice and left the organization on my own accord, voluntarily, and without coercion or any sort of mutual agreement. Does this still count as leaving by mutual agreement following charges or allegations of misconduct? I fully willing to disclose everything and be completely transparent in this investigation for a secret clearance, however, I just need to know how to proceed in answering this question, as there was no mutual agreement for anything. It was solely my decision to make without anyone’s input or advice in the matter. Please, advise on this. Thank you.
Even if it is true that you left on your own volition, it is better to present your side of the story up front instead of waiting to be confronted with it. If you answer no to the question I would advise you still add in the comments section the circumstances you described.
Thank you for that response. I was thinking along those same lines as well - selecting ‘no’ and then full explanation at the end in the comments section, referencing 13A. I appreciate that advice.