Adjudication Email/Alert?

Good Evening!

(I hope making multiple posts within a week is okay, if not I apologize and will post again in a couple of weeks).

I finished my BI interview for secret and followed the advice given here in my other post to mitigate and explain a couple red flags. The interview went well and the investigator seemed understanding and willing to help. They said they would be finishing up my file soon and sending it to adjudication and don’t know how long I will hear back (they may even be told to request more information/clarify things) and that would make it an even longer process. I have a start date in June so hopefully everything goes smooth and I can begin that and also hear good news about the clearance.

My question is: will I know when my file is in the adjudication process? I received an email after I submitted the SF86 etc so I was just wondering if I would be made aware if/when it is in the adjudication phase and not only if there are potential problems/clarifications needed.

Hopefully this isn’t an idiotic question and time would probably answer but I thought why not come here and ask the experts and those who have been through it?!

Thank you all again for the help and for any experiences you can share.

Stay in touch with your security manager to find out status info. A start date can be issued while the case is in adjudication, however you won’t have access until a favorable adjudication is posted.

I have a start date already for the position (they gave an interim) but I was just wondering if I would receive an email/alert once it reaches the adjudication stage. I received an automated email from PSIP once the SF86 was submitted so I was wondering about the final processes and if it would be similar to that.