I’m sure this gets brought up quite a bit, but I was curious for others input. Given that the Adjudication Process is supposed to look at the “Whole Person”–is too much honesty a problem?
I currently work in local law enforcement. Which while that sounds great, I am well aware that the municipal background investigation (poly and all), is way different that the Federal background investigation. Which is why, as well as many other reasons, I handled it as follows:
When I went into my In Person Interview with my BI, I offered everything possible I could get ahead of.
I offered any information she needed on an incident that occurred when I was 18 (outside of the 10 year time frame), for an incident where I was one of many passengers in a stolen vehicle that crossed the border. It was friend of a friend who was the driver/suspect. Long story short, the passengers (including myself) were not detained for long and were released given corroborating statements. Later myself and the others were present to help the DA prosecute the jerk. Given the Federal BI and access to systems municipal agencies do not have, I offered candor. Similar to previous investigations with the (2) municipal agencies I have worked for, I offered this information to them–and thought I would provide it now as opposed to allowing it to be a hold up later. MY BI stated it wasn’t within the 10 year time frame and not a concern, especially since I was not a suspect.
In my current place of work (going on 5 years) I had 2 write-up’s I openly discussed with my BI, even though they were removed from my file after a year (they occurred 2 years ago for separate issues), and are not available to her. I did this for (2) reasons. The first was because my SF-86 asked if I had ever received a write up, not if it was still available. So to me, the truthful answer was “Yes”. I provided details, explained how the mistakes were in fact my own, how I had done wrong, but had not since repeated said mistakes and had since been promoted to a Supervisor position. I.E. They don’t define me.
I also received a DUI almost 10 years ago. It was dropped. I’m well aware that the “dropped” part means nothing to a BI. It’s misconduct. I explained my immature and incorrect choices and expressed remorse. I brought court paperwork showing this to the BI, even offered her copies for her file, as our court purges these documents after (5) years. I was surprised when she stated she would acquire these copies on her own. I thought it was ok to provide copies of paperwork as opposed to them not being included during the adjudication process and having to provide them during a response to a potential SOR? What worried me further, was she asked me if I entered a “not guilty” plea. I have to say, I don’t think it ever got to that point, but I cannot recall. And so my answer was that I didn’t recall. I do know that it was dropped because the probable cause utilized for the stop was insufficient. What worries me, is that perceived as dishonesty if a “not guilty plea” was entered and I admitted to making a bad choice?
I have been told that I sealed my fate with the Feds by being too honest about too much–mind you–this is coming from a municipal agency mindset of paranoia. I felt like I did great by being 100% honest, thinking directly to this whole person concept. Did I do it all wrong?