Chances of security clearance?

Hi all. I am getting ready to fill out three letter agency SF-86. My work life, finances, family, and travel are all extremely normal (no red flags). I have only ever lived in US and have no relatives abroad.

I have two drug related issues.
I smoked marijuana (legally) while living in California 15-20 times. It’s been over a year since the last time.
5 years ago, I tried cocaine twice while in college. I have not done it since and have absolutely no plans to.

What are my odds? Should I withdrawal the app?

Unless you are applying for a law enforcement job or ANYTHING with one of the Fed LE agencies it should not be a problem. Be prepared to get lots of questions about this during the interview because a fair number of people put down on the form that they only smoked weed a few times but after a little prodding the number suddenly balloons… so the investigators look for this (or at least they used to).

Thanks so much for your thoughts. Sounds good. Just to clarify-- Fed LE would be a total waste of time in that case? Thanks again and cheers.

Check their jobs websites, many (like FBI, DEA, ATF) have very strongly worded statements about strict drug use policies. They also have so many applicants that they can afford to be picky.