Hello, I would really appreciate if someone can help me, as my company FSOs seem to be letting my TS/SCI fall through the cracks.
Background: I have an active SECRET since 2015. I completed SF86 for TS/SCI in JUNE 2018, had POLY in OCT 2018, and BI interview in NOV 2018, my status was upadted to IN ADJUDICATION within Scattered Castles in JAN 2019. It’s been over 19 months now?
I left my last company in NOV 2019 with my SC status still “IN ADJUDICATION” , with the promise that this clearance elegibility can be picked up from SC and given a home in JPAS when I accept the new job and am put on a billet for TS SCI.
Now it seems that none of my FSO’s can get a hold of anyone in order to get reciprocity… I dont know that my job transition in the middle of my adjudication has now ruined everything.
Does anyone know anything about changing jobs while in adjudication, and also changing from scattered castles to JPAS in this process?
Now my FSO Wants me to complete another SF86 in eQUIP to try to use this to receive a ping that my TS SCI investigation was completed. I am very confused… it sounds like a lot of wasted work. I am worried that I will lose my furure opportunities on the black side because of this.