Clearance and recent marijuana use

I am an older recent marijuana user. Used it only at night to sleep and anxiety.4 days ago I quit use because I need to get on a level playing field considering my health. Sure enough today I got my emails to do my clearance. I need help with mitigating factors in this situation. My concern is if I tell them I used recently for anxiety does that open up a can of worms on the mental health question? I am under treatment for anxiety by 2 doctors(nurse practioner and therapist). I am doing all things necessary to get better.
So should I say I have a mental health issue and used marijuana but quit?
Should I omit the mental health issue and declare weed use? Totally stressing on this, need a lot of help. Is my mental health issue significant if I get care?


I misused an anxiety pill and yes it did open that can of worms. But you still have to tell the truth.

You don’t need to report your anxiety or treatment in the mental health section if it doesn’t affect your judgement and isn’t the listed diagnoses. If you believe it doesn’t, you will need to be able to explain why it doesn’t affect you should you choose to explain your thc use was due to anxiety.

Do not omit what you’re required to report. Ever. Even if it takes longer, it’s not going to dq you.

No, mental health is not significant if you’re receiving care and your provider vouches for you.

This isn’t really a mental health issue unless their doctor says so. It is a drug use issue.

Even though it’s just MJ, it is still federally illegal and if you are older, you should know that in their eyes.

I would not be confident you will get cleared, it’s too recent But goodluck

That’s really going to depend on the agency. I’ve seen people use up until they submitted paperwork and still get cleared.

The anxiety is still anxiety, and yes they pulled my medical records for it even though it isn’t listed because it doesn’t affect my judgement.

Most people just coming in don’t know that state legal doesn’t fly for clearances. The clearance process isn’t something your average Joe thinks about.

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