Could I file a lawsuit over my "suspended" clearance?

Long story short, back in 2023 I was working for a three-letter agency and had been for the previous 8 years. I was called into my site lead’s office and told that “my clearance was suspended” and I was escorted out. I asked why and was told “we don’t know, the government just called down and said you were suspended pending investigation”. To this day I have still never been given a reason for why this happened. I NEVER received an SOR, and never had a chance to defend myself, and I was terminated 2 months later. I was out of work for 7 months because I was told my clearance was suspended. Any attempt to find out what happened was met with dismissiveness and even threats. Eventually I just applied to jobs that required a clearance and lo and behold…my clearance was not suspended. It was very much active, and I started working again using my clearance that was “suspended”. From what I have read you can sue if there was a due process violation, which was the case since I never received an SOR, never had a chance for a rebuttal, and was caused a hardship by losing my job. Could I sue? And even if I did sue, who would I sue? And would this affect my current clearance in any way?

This is a GREAT questions… for an attorney. Have you consulted with one? Probably well worth the typical $300 consultation fee.