Crossover SCI timeline

I have been waiting for about six weeks to get my SCI crossed over from the DOD to DHS
I am getting annoyed because I do not know what is taking so long
My investigation is new as I received my TS in January and my SCI in March
I am currently unemployed because contracts did not get renewed
I am just frustrated
Is it normal for this to take this long? My wife is a PR but that is the only thing I can think that is holding it up even though she’s from Czech Republic and has been here for 10 years

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I think DHS may have additional “suitability” or “fitness” standards that they do an additional review against, so it may not be a simple ‘crossover.’

Can anyone clarify this? Seems to have come up in the past. Although I just heard from a guy who went from DOD to DHS and he said the thing that took the longest was the medical clearance.


What do you mean by that?
Can you elaborate?

A security clearance is “adjudicated” according to guidelines which are (I believe) standard across all agencies. However, I’ve heard of people applying for jobs at DHS which require some kind of “fitness” determination which is their term for “suitability.” If you read these boards you’ll see several reports of people denied employment with this or that agency for “unsuitability” which is not the same as denying a security clearance… and such a determination does not offer the same appeal rights.

So to my understanding, DHS may want to do an additional fitness/suitability review beyond just accepting the clearance crossover, and that make mean it takes a bit longer. And even some crossovers take weeks for no apparent reason.

Hope that helps. Let’s see if anyone else weighs in on this topic.

I guess I’m still confused my position does not require any fitness involved
But are you saying seeing a psychiatrist? What do you mean
I am just confused by the whole process

That is correct, DHS does do “suitability” and in my case it took much longer than my clearance cross. By that time i took another position.


What are they looking for in the suitability?
Are they reading through my investigation?
Or does it have a lot to do with I’m married to a permanent resident?

Possible DHS is going to take a look at your spouse’s immigration file. It can take weeks for a file to be transferred to the area where the assigned investigator lives. An appointment has to be made with the office holding the file. Then the actual file review.

Good luck. It sucks to be out of work.

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Geez that sucks
I’ll contact my recruiter tomorrow about all my concerns