Is “CURRENT” defined as within 24 months ?
Does “ACTIVE” mean actively on a project and billing the government customer ?
I think all the rules have changed with clearances. For example the gov can now have polygraphs for S level, SCI can be for S level, continuous vetting, etc.
Today July 27 2020 my S level clearance is within 24 months ( 2 years). So can I log into clearancejobs dot com website and apply to S level jobs ? I cannot e-mail clearancejobs website to ask because there is no e-mail listed on the website (at least I could not find an e-mail). And searching this blog I am not sure as well. I am not even sure I will get the correct answer. This is like dealing with the IRS - pages and pages of laws and laws.
In days gone by it used to be that one can log into clearancejobs website if their clearance is CURRENT (within 2 years or 24 months). If you are no longer CURRENT, you can no longer login. I am not sure what would happen to you at that point but you may have more govt friends then you want.
I was recently was told I could NOT go to a expoExperts virtual booth at a virtual job fair that said CLEARED for cleared means ACTIVE. When I registered for the virtual job fair I was able to select “Secret S within 2 years”. I selected “S within two years” and registered. With that said, I am not going to the CLEARED BOOTH which is synonmous with ACTIVE while attending the virtual job fair. Does this sound correct ?
Is Cleared synonmous with ACTIVE ? I am allowed to go to the virtual expoexperts cleared fair since I am CURRENT and go to booths listed not listed as CLEARED/ACTIVE.
I do not wish to waste my time or anyone elses time. I accidentally applied to two TS jobs in the past. One because the recruiter applied me to it without discussing first then said I applied.
Any links to rules for attending clearance websites and clearance job fairs appreciated ? Maybe a rule book because they love writting rules and laws would help.