Dancing level of clearance for e-qip

Is there a way to withdraw the applying process after having signed all the documents and additional forms. Or, I have to collaborate 100% and to match Agency’s interests toward the end of completion.

This was my concerns related to my first question on this site at
Public trust sf-85P vs. dual citizenship

Let me try to make the long story in coherent short following the time sequence -

  1. After Hire Right completed and the result turned good. I was asked to do the eqip

  2. One of the pass code for born city, Agency didn’t set up properly. I was not able to access to the eqip because of invalid pass code. My born city was not listed. I followed up with the POC that My born city is out of US ( my second time to remind her ). She made a change. At the point, the level of clearance was got changed to sf-86. I rejected this pending offer in June before submitting the e-qip at last minute.

  3. One month later, I was allowed to come back with Agency’s consent. My eqip, it was to be re-initiated. The POC, she had emailed and asked me to “submit” the eqip ASAP. At the moment, the re-initiated eqip, it was not available yet. She kept giving pressure on me.

Meanwhile, POC from Agency, she forwarded the email from Gov to me. There's missing signature on the witness field on my disclosure form. I had reminded POC and show her earlier email; she would be the one responded by email that “she will sign the field as witness on my disclosure form”.

Anyway, the poc is not easy to work with. I don’t like her careless. Ended up. I had my prior co-worker to be the witness and signed the form.

Day after, I was able to access to eqip. I had completed the eqip with sf-85P and submitted.

After my fingerprint was done. Soon, I had been interviewed with the investigator. Based what I had learned knowledge from this discussion blog, I think my clearance level at sf-85P high risk.