Originally published at: https://www.clearancejobsblog.com/dual-citizenship-clearance-holders-to-get-foreign-passports-back/
The Defense Security Service (DSS) is preparing to issue a new Industrial Security Letter (ISL) providing guidance for the implementation of Security Executive Agent (SecEA) Directive 4 (SEAD 4), “National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, signed last year by the Director of National Intelligence. Specifically, guidance is being provided regarding Guideline C: Foreign Preference and those clearance…
DSS released updated guidance IAW with SEAD- 4 regarding foreign passport holders:
Upon returning the foreign passport or identity card to the cleared employee, the facility security officer, or designated JPAS user acting on behalf of the contractor, will remind the cleared employee of their responsibility to enter and exit the United States using their U.S. passport.
The cleared contractor will submit incident reports if any cleared employees report use of a foreign passport to enter or exit the United States.
It all make sense now. A few months ago I received a phone call from an FSO for a company I worked for in 2007 asking me for my address. He then sent me my expired foreign passport that I had surrendered back then when I first got my clearance. Didn’t realize why and didn’t care to be honest