Filling in Foreign National Contact Information SF 86

Hello, I’m currently going through the process of upgrading my clearance and need to reaffirm/update my SF 86. Over the past year I’ve come into/have been in contact with some foreign nationals. For two in particular i know thier occupation, but I’m unsure of the address of where they work and have lost contact with them. Should i try to find out the address of their employer, or should i put i don’t know? Thank you in advance for any guidance.

Just put that you don’t know.

If the info is easy to Google (like you know they work at Newark Airport and you can just Google Newark airport) then Google the information. It drives me nuts interviewing someone who puts I don’t know on a bunch of info that was easy to look up and now I have to write a long report on why subject was too lazy to fill out the paperwork properly. If it is not information you can look up with Google or by looking through old emails THEN put I don’t know if you no longer have contact or if it would be inappropriate to ask them the information.