Financial Red Flags for TS Security Clearance

I’m currently in the process of applying to a 3 letter agency where you need to be granted TS security clearance after an extensive background check. During the past couple of years I’ve had a couple accounts go into collections due to loss of employment, as well as late payments on my mortgage as well (no foreclosure or bankruptcy, I was put on a payment plan by my lender and have resumed payment on my home) I do have payment plans in place for most of the debt incurred, which would equal out to around $4k total (most of that is from a credit card but also with other smaller bills). Just want some type of clarity, obviously it would suck to make it so far in the process just to be denied TS clearance during the background portion. Before my loss of employment I didn’t have any bills in collection if that means anything, I paid my car off fully as well without any late payments.

Any insight into the matter would be greatly appreciated, I would just hate to feel like I’ve been wasting all of this time, and this job is also my dream career. I feel like I’m so close to making it a reality, it would be crushing for it to end with a clearance denial.

If seen a lot of great insight lurking here so I figured you all would be a great help into taking my next steps. Am I most likely facing a suitability denial? If not what can I do to help give myself the best shot at getting my security clearance in the future?

I also want to the clear, I partake in no drug use, have no criminal record, have never been apart of any weird sex scandals/crimes, no gambling problem, etc.

Thank You.

Do you have steady employment now? That’s the biggest next step.
There’s good advice here:

If you report all the debts and can show that your late payments coincided with your job loss and you made payment arrangements with your creditors as quickly as possible (ex: didn’t wait over 6 months) then that shows you are responsible. As long as you can show you didn’t ignore the bills, you “should” be ok.

I won’t lie, I did wait to set up payment arrangements on some of them just because money was very tight. I have two kids so I focused on paying my mortgage first and foremost.

Not sure if that screws me or not…

Any additional insight into this matter?

Others have posted some good advice.

Be sure to be prepared to discuss in detail the what, when, why, etc of the financial challenges…why the debt was incurred, date of last on time payments, amounts, dates of when items went to collections, which agencies, the more detail you can provide, the better.

Go into when payment plans went into effect, payment dates and amounts, remaining amounts to pay off, and when you anticipate the debts will be paid in full. Plans going forward to not have a repeat of this situation.

It does not appear to be insurmountable (if this is the only issue), but be prepared to discuss in detail.

Good luck.